Yesterday night, on a chat with naomi n tika:
c nao: ke bandung yuk
me: EEHHH?!
c nao: aku pengen ikut nobar ni
me: aku juga! Aku juga! Tapi,, ujiankuuu T^T
me: tik, nobar bdg tu tanggal berapa?
tika: 24 kayaknya. Ga sabar ni. Doki2. Maru jumbooo.. Hahaha. Ayo ikut
me: eh? Tgl 24 ya.. Aku ujian. Mulainya tanggal 21 T^T
tika: eh? Cepet sekali?? Ah paling tanggal 24 uda libur natal. Ayo ikut aja. Ntar nginep tempatku. Kubagi harta karunku. Siap2 dvd blank atau HD eksternal ya :D
me: *mikir* bener juga ya
Oh myhunnybunnysweetytika, u're offering a great deal. Yosh~! I need to go there..
Yeah girls, for u who have been confused n wondering what that's all about, it's about one of KATTUNesia's (KAT-TUN INDONESIA FORUM) program: to watch Break The Records DVD altogether. It'll be held on Dec 24th at Blitz Megaplex, Bandung.
Gosh~! It's blitz! We can see KAT-TUN no concert in a big big big screen!!
So, it's planned! I'll go there with Naomi by Argo Willis on 23rd morning, then staying at Tika's (maybe Nao at Rini's), robbing Tika's treasure, gossiping n stuffs =))
Then on 25th or 26th maybe we'll go home.. Sounds nice? Yes! I look forward to it..
But, guess what i get today. The schedule for the final test. I write it down in a hurry *agak doki2. Uda ada firasat buruk? XDD*
21st, noted!
22nd, noted!
23rd,, umm, umm,, ah~! There's nothing! I have no test for 23rd! *high tension*
Then, let's see the next day.. It should be 28th, ne? *nodding*
The next day is 24th..
*still blank*
24th isn't free yet?! What the?! How about my plans?!
Damn! IT FAILED!! Adjstnwdkoxtqcrv *angries*
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