Oct 23, 2004 14:39
You know how you set your alarm for 930 so can hit snooze till 10...yeah that didnt work out the way I planned this morning. I didnt gte up till 11...but thats still good cause I revised my paper, emailed two professors, rather 3, then began how Im going to study for this Chivalry test. Shes such a whore for having tests. When you have a class for just one night a week, tests shouldnt exist. Maybe I can protest it.....I went to see The Grudge last night with a bunch of people....people I REALLY like. I should hang out with them a lot more. It seems kinda weird hanging out with chapel people outside the context of chapel....but its really cool. YAY for Wesley! Who thought Id ever hang out with the Methodists? lol...lame jokes for lame raining afternoons. The movie was really good. Screamed a lot and hung on to Lizzie Lovelady for the entire time....its ok though because she clung to me too. Didnt have a heart attack like I did in The Ring, but close. Oh! really weird thing...The movie theatre we went to now has a menu and you can order like pizza and a 10 pound bucket of hotwings if you wanted to. They just deliver it to you seat.........I dont know whether to be grossed out or eager to try it. But who would eat popcorn shrimp from a Loews Theatre???? yeah....kinda really gross....
I have to go see Saw, Ring 2, EVP, Alfie, and some indie films that the theatre people want to drag me to. But the Ring 2 looks soooo good. The trailer is so freaky. I think shes aged to more of a teenager....and se till never sleeps...ohhhhh....chills.....
Im on a hiatus from the male species. No more getting mad cause I dont have anyone, cause anger just leads to depression in that area of my life. After Thanksgiving Ill give it another go..but for now a huge rest is needed.
Sorry Summer and Chelsea and Toussaint for not returning calls in a speedy manner. Im really glad you liked the scarf!!!! I still have your needles though. Oh! Can you tell me what color I should do for Manar? Im going to the store sometime soon.
I think Im going to be broke in a month....TIS THE SEASON FOR BEGGING!!!
HAPPY 20th Brittany Janiece Foster!!!