Log 66

May 14, 2008 13:19

I think I feel better, but my head still feels like it got stomped on by an elephant. I can't remember what happened the other day either.

Jeez, I wish things like that wouldn't happen.

[Screened to AU!Amy/Hackable due to AU!Sonic's headache]

Really, the last thing I remember was when that weird lady first showed up while we were talking to Tikal. I thought we were the only ones who could go to that place, even if it was only while we're sleeping. I know I managed to get there once when I was awake as a kid, but that was kind of an accident. I guess if you can get there physically by accident, someone could do it on purpose if their strong enough, but I wonder who would be strong enough?

Either way, this is majorly bad. Have you managed to get back to the Garden since then? Are Tikal and Maria okay?

I think I'm just gonna lie down for a little while longer till this headache goes away.

attack on traquil garden plot, tranquil garden zone, au:maria[sonic's world], major headache, au:amy rose, au:tikal

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