The Procrastination song / Oops I've Done it again ... a la Pip

May 27, 2007 22:47

Oops! ... I know I've done it again,
I left things til the last
possible minute...
Oh crap .. now I wont get any sleep,
reading articles
typing as I go...

'Cos to loose all my senses
that is just so typically me

Oh M***** F*****
Oops! ... I know I've done it again,
I left things til the last
possible minute...
Oh bloody hell
 .. now I wont get any sleep,
Spend the whole nite at Uni
Not achieving anything...

Got 2 things overdue that I'll kind of admit to (one's assignment the HOD is in charge of - oops!), 2 more that I wont, and a 2-3K word report due in approx 17hrs that I havent really started, but must hand in on time and just found out that something that I thought I had 2 weeks to do is due this friday .... CRAP! NO Sleep for me ... now to go off and find that cafferne IV I ordered ....


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