(no subject)

Sep 15, 2006 20:52

so my first week of boarding is oficially over. ive changed my schedule a lot but hey thats okay. sam has gotten me addicted to dirty caymanian music (cavemanian). not joke in dutty wine one part goes fucking in the bushes fucking in the treee fucking on the beach and something... fucking in the bed isnt fucking free.its pretty durrrrty. and another isnt camanian but its like your vagina plus my body equals a sexy face and a six pack or soemthing along those lines. hmmmmmm. so yeah thers pics of sam and terra dancing to this music and it was kinda put to a slow down when we realized mr hall lives right across the way and could probs see us shaking our asses. yeap. but im home for the weekend and im doing the terry fox run sunday. woot. hannah and i have started a workout thingish thing. and movies and a weekly tub of ben and jerrys and a movie thing. hmmm hmmmm. im actually enjoying boarding, but i will miss my parents a lot.

add that to the tica terra pictures haha.
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