I'll take Manhattan

Jan 18, 2010 21:40

After a brief moment of warmth in Miami, I flew up to the chilly (yet sunny) land of New York today. It was a rough morning. I'd gotten very little sleep and then had a slight delay in getting to the airport, so I was kind of run ragged by the time I boarded the plane. I was able to make up sleep on the flight and had nearly improved my mood until I had to wait an hour for my luggage at LaGuardia. That was not cool. Of course, in a world where we should look for silver linings, I should be glad that my luggage arrived at all. We (by which I mean me and the other remaining 50 people from my flight who still hadn't received luggage after 45 minutes) were originally told that there were no more bags from our plane. Then, just as we were about to storm the airline office, we heard there was "another cart" coming, and lo my suitcase finally showed up.

It was a good thing too because look what I had to dress up for: my signing at the Barnes and Noble (Tribeca) in Manhattan!

As I've mentioned, this was my first solo event in New York, which was cool because my publishing posse finally got to see what it is I do when I'm out on the road. Speaking of publishing, bonus points to anyone who can find my agent Jim McCarthy in this shot.

As always, there was lots of good stuff going on. I got asked some of the more philosophical questions I've ever been asked at a signing. I also got a surprise visit from Dan Ruffino who works for the Penguin Australia publishing team, so Australia--looks like you guys represented! Is this a challenge to Brazil from last night? Thanks also for those with notes and cards and to Jancsi for the gift. Additionally, I need to shout out to the parents who drove/navigated their teens tonight--you guys are the unsung heroes of my signings. Really, everyone who showed up was awesome.

And of course, what signing would be complete without some VA fashion?

I tell you, if not for these t-shirt quotes you guys bring in, I'd forget half the things I'd written. I totally forgot about the "You see something you like?" one. I'm pretty sure I didn't invent "Christian Mode," however. Though now I kind of wish I had.

Speaking of our pal Christian Ozera, here's some important news: I was alerted by some of my readers that this is Ivashkov Week. Next week is apparently Ozera Week. So, mark your calendars and take appropriate action. We apparently already missed Dimka Week. Someone had better come out with a VA calendar so I can keep track of this stuff.

Anyway, good times all and all! Thanks so much to those of you who trekked out to see me and to the fab staff at the store for making this such an awesome and well-run event. And like I said earlier in the post, this signing had a lot of my publishing team in attendance--the unseen people who help work on my books and who make sure they get off my computer and into stores. So, thank you to you guys too.

Tomorrow wraps up the fan tour with a stop in Long Island before I head back to Seattle, my husband, and my cats:

Tuesday, January 19 - 7pm - Long Island, NY
Borders Westbury
1260 Old Country Road
Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 683-8700

Hope to see you guys there! The rest of you I'll catch on the next tour.

pictures, travel, book signings

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