ADDED CONTEST NOTE: For real, read the directions. Subject line. Gmail. :)
Housekeeping. Xbox users and trivia buffs: don't forget that the debut of
1 vs 100 is tonight! And on a random note--there seem to be vicious rumors that the Australian release of Blood Promise is a month later than the US one. Nope. They're the same.
Okay, as promised: a contest! And an easy one. Here's the deal. Some of you may have noticed that I'm not always, um, quick on answers to questions I get here, on Facebook, in my email, etc. It's a time thing, and I do apologize. But this contest is a chance to finally get me to answer your questions and let you win fabulous prizes at the same time.
To enter, you'll send me an email with a question about whatever--the books, writing, etc. When the contest closes, I'll use a random number generator to pick 10 winners. I'll post the answers to your questions here on LJ and also send you some goodies. An FYI about the questions. I'm not going to answer things that give away huge spoilers, so don't use up your question on things like, "Is there a happy ending?" Also, despite my pleading, people often ask things posted on my
FAQ. So, please check that out! Don't waste your question with one that's already out there! Ask something good. :)
And here's the important part. Pay attention or risk disqualification! Email your entry to my gmail address: In the subject line, put these words EXACTLY:
June Question Contest
Put nothing more and nothing less. Those words ensure you go straight to my contest folder, so that my inbox and LJ don't get flooded. Emails w/o that subject line will go elsewhere and not be counted. Questions posted in LJ will not be counted. Sorry to sound so fierce! My inbox is already pretty crazy.
Make sense? So, send email with your questions. One email per person only. You can ask multiple questions in your email, but I'll only answer one if you win - so again, choose wisely! This contest will run through this Friday (June 5) until 11:59pm Pacific time. Winners will be announced next week. Good luck!