Hey, guys! In what has to be a new record for me, I've picked a winner for the pen contest. Let me say first of all that there were tons of great entries, and I really want to thank everyone who racked their brains for ideas. Since there can be only one (for this contest, at least), I'm happy to announce it's
colleenstl with: Pocket stake, for emergency use only. Congrats! The fun thing with this one is that I'm actually eyeing a set of silver pens that would be perfect "stakes." I'll also probably order a different type of pen too with some all-purpose Richelle Mead message on it.
Contact me, lucky winner, and we'll discuss prize options.
For the rest of you, fear not: the "easy" contest I promised will kick off next week. I was going to do it this week, but I've got another poll tomorrow that I think some of you will really be excited about. As for this last poll, I've been infinitely entertained by the results. Someone was worried that the results were skewed toward Vampire Academy, but don't worry: I'm well aware of the sales numbers and know that each series has different-sized groups of followers--and the numbers here are pretty proportional to what I expected per series. As I look at the results, I'm mostly comparing it in three sets (Georgina, Rose, and Eugenie) and seeing where people's opinions lie with each heroine. The sad thing is that since each couple has its own group of fans...well, you know, someone's going to be disappointed, one way or another. The girls can't end up with all the guys!
Today I was summoned to University Bookstore again to sign more orders. I'm amazed at how many of you are taking us up on that! I'm also recognizing names from around here and Facebook as I personalize them, which is cool. So, if you're having trouble finding Succubus Heat locally (and no, I don't get why some chains all have different release dates that contradict their websites - it's crazy), remember that you can
order any of my books from U Bookstore, and I'll sign them for you. Oh, and to address a recurring question lately: I have no say or knowledge of Kindle, ebook, or audio editions of my books. They just kind of happen. Sorry I can't help you out!
Finally, good news for some of you. Amazon is now listing
the fifth Vampire Academy book for pre-order. And like last time, it's up there before it has a title. Also like last time, it lists a page count for something that isn't even written yet! But if you're a pre-orderer, there it is. It lists a couple dates (depending on how you view it), but here's what I've been told: April 20, 2010. Mark your calendars.
Finally--for real--let me ask something I asked before. Are people still using pencils? If so, are they the old-fashioned kind that need to be sharpened or just the mechanical kind? Or both? And another weird question for my teen readers: how many of you have sets of keys? I'm debating someone about whether teens only start carrying sets of keys when they can drive or if younger teens still have house keys.