May 06, 2004 20:12
I have to add like 400 words to the stages, re-write my questionnaire results, overhall it all!!! all because the teachers a fat fucking pregnant hormonal twat who hated me to begin with. I'm going to drop it after this year, it's a waste of my time. Also, Film Studies is depressing me, I'm averaging D's. He figured out that I rush my work, I am entheusiastic about it, but mostly I prefer getting it out of the way coz it's an irritation.
Is there no class on this planet aside from English Language, Maths and all three Sciences that are fact based and are original? I mean, I want to learn things and then use my ability to analyse it or write about it and my opinions. I don't want to use some German guys theory on something to answer it, where my ability being shown in that? It's fucking bull shit, the lot of it.