Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 26, 2005 20:25

I seem to be going a bit backwards......

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for family, friends, health and two days off from work. Of course, I don't get paid for those days, but my mind and body need the rest. Thanksgiving was great; our cousins came down from upstate and we had a nice dinner. We really don't get to see them enough. At one point, they were talking about a time share they have on some island- I forgot which one!- and they said we should go down with them at some point!!! That probably won't happen, but just the idea that it could and the idea that I can and probably will one day travel far, far away made me feel big and small at the same time (I know travelling all over the world is commonplace for some people, but I've never been out of the country, so it would be a big deal for me.)

Friday was also awesome because my parents, sister and I caught the matinee of...Harry Potter! It was great!! I don't want to give anything away here, but let me just say, it really IS the best movie so far. (And that's really saying something considering the fact that it wasn't even my favorite of the first four books.)

The rest of the weekend is going pretty well, too. Trying to think up stuff for a little gathering I'm having here on the 10th. Trying to tell people it's not really a holiday party, more of just a hanging-out type thing so they know what to expect, but I really want to do something different. I'm so sick of poker night, I'd happily crack in half the next poker chip I see- which will prob. be on the 17th at Carolyn's house. We should really get ready to call Gamblers Anonymous. I'd love to actually get out of the house and do something, but 1) it's freezing now (come back summer, I need you!!) and 2) getting a lot of people to actually agree on something and then actually go do it is hard, plus I'd feel like a tour guide dragging them off to someplace. No worries about that now, though- I'll update it later!
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