Time passages....

Feb 01, 2015 00:23

I fond myself in a new house, taking care of people who need taking care of.  My best friend died of cancer. I am now in her home taking care of her family. but my daughter and granddaughter are here......they need me. I need me. Donna's family needs me. It surprises me hoe no one ever contacts us to see how we are ort what we may need. Human selfishness.......it's ok. it may be ingrained. we are good. not great. I see things. I feel things. I think Satan is trying really hard to divert me from the right path. You have all seen those movies, where someone thinks it is more than coincidence....someting eveil is really happening,..........so here nar emy chooices..........I am going CRAZY, or I am really seeing things like in those supernatural movies, onlu=y in rteal life. remember amytiville horror? I am not even editing my own writing. I am scared. I am going crazy or I am being tyormented by satan. Which would you choose to tell ypour doc??????? serious;ly. what if the umber of people in insamne aylums aren't really crayzy at all? what if? dpo you believe in amngels? then us MUST believe in demons. It followa the bible. It ois real. it haunts us. I have studied, obsserved, ewatched, takem notes, done research........and I am another crazy genius like so many others....but dfoes that mnean I am worongf? Ignorererererere my typos....I am tooo exzcited, too pissed to go back and correcvt oevery one. f you be;lieve my poists.......foloow themj.........car3efully. God exists. If He exists, so do demons.It follows rationale.........it makes sense. someone, please help me..........i be;lieve a lot of the qworlds "mental" cases are persecuted...................I am struggloing to hang on as long as poassible. tyhe right one will see this. I believe in God. He delivers.He will. 

crazy, help, religion.

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