Day 06 - Something you hope you never have to do.

Feb 27, 2011 00:32

Okay, so I won't lie. This one was tough. Because, well, there are a LOT of things I hope I never have to do. I even thought about making this into a list because it seems so unfair to have to choose just one thing. But I had a talk with a friend tonight about someone we know and as we talked about a very not fun situation that person was going through I knew what I would talk about tonight.

I hope I never have to take the phone call that a friend has committed suicide.

I hope I never have to deal with death in general, but as this is life that we are living I have come to expect that accidents, illnesses and age will eventually start taking those that I love. But I hope, with every fiber of my being that suicide never becomes the answer for anyone I love. Not a friend, not a family member, not a casual acquaintance, not even an enemy.

I hope that everyone knows that when things are getting bad they can (and will) get better. Yes, that is cliched but you know what? Sometimes the most cliche things are true. I've been there, I really have. But I look back on those dark times and I realize that I would have missed SO much if I had taken my life. And while I had to climb through a lot of shit to get where I am today, I would do it over and over again just to stay alive.

There is always help. I am always here. Your friends and loved ones will always be there for you. There are help lines and meetings and places you can go if you need help. And I hope I have told each and every one of my friends this speech a million times so that if there ever comes a time when they need help they can find it.

I NEVER want to get that phone call. I NEVER want to hear that someone willingly took there life. Because living is such a gift... a blessing... I wouldn't want to imagine that someone gave that away.


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