Title: Fragments
tokenblkgirlPairing: James/Juliet
Rating: PG
Words: 108
Warnings: General spoilers for 6X1 “LAX”
Summary: Don’t forget.
A/N: Written for
lost_in_108 challenge#27 forgotten
He finds it in his left pocket (the one he never checks but she was always so fond of) while rummaging for something less important (less catastrophic) that won’t bring him to his knees. But there’s just her note, soft and pliable from being washed, forgotten in the recesses of a khaki Dharma jumper.
Don’t forget.
The rest is indecipherable. He’ll never know what it means. He’ll spew out words, try to find the ones that fit. Don’t forget the milk. Don’t forget to call Miles. Don’t forget you love me. Don’t forget your glasses. Don’t forget this James.
Don’t forget.
He’ll never know what it means.