TokenBlkGirl Master Fic List

Feb 19, 2010 20:09


Being Human

The Constant (R)
Characters/Pairings: Mitchell/Annie, George
Word Count:5,088
Warnings:Sexual content, general S1 spoilers
Summary: Annie’s been forgetting things.

Friend is a Four Letter Word (NC-17)
Pairing: George/Annie/Mitchell
Word Count: 1, 759
Warnings: Threesome, sex, some mild language
Summary: She’s definitely not just about making tea.


All that Remains(R)
Pairing: Booth/Cam
Word Count: 2,997
Warnings: Pre-series, sexual content, language
Summary: She forced herself to concentrate on the here and now.

Eyes Open(PG-13)
Pairing: Booth/Cam
Word Count:204
Warnings: Language
Summary: Cam sees Booth in a new light, because he’s in hers.

Pairing: Jared/Cam
Word Count:509
Summary: She doesn’t say no to him.

Tipsy Topics (PG-13)
Pairing: Cam/Brennan, mentions of Cam/Booth
Word count: 706
Warnings: Language
Summary: One kiss leads to another.

Game Theory(PG)
Pairing: Cam/Sweets
Word Count:667
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: He doesn’t tell her that this is the best part of his day.

Gradually (PG)
Characters/Pairing: Cam/Andrew, Michelle
Word Count: 1,344
Warnings:Pre-series, Spoilers for S4, Ep. 18 "The Doctor in the Den"
Summary: Cam wasn’t sure why she thought leaving him would make her stronger.

Doctor Who

For Her(PG)
Pairing: Ten/Martha
Word Count:246
Warnings: mild angst
Summary: Her favorite color is blue.

Feel (R)
Pairing: Jack/Martha
Word Count:195
Warnings: Smut
Summary: She's never sure how he feels about her.

Pairing: Nine/Martha
Word Count:575
Warnings:Series 1 & 3 spoilers, angst.
Summary: He wasn't her Doctor.

*Heroes Crossover*
Pairing: Martha/Monica
Word Count:228
Warnings:mild angst
Summary: She turns until she can't see the sky either.

A Spark to Pierce the Dark (R)
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Martha, Tom/Martha, The Master/Martha
Word Count: 1,453
Warnings: Het, Smut, dark fic
Summary: Three men that kissed Martha Jones and one that didn't.

Through a Glass, Darkly (Strong R)
*Crossover with Doctor Who*
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Martha, Ten, Sam, Bobby, Jack, Donna, The Master, Lilith, Ruby, Gordon, John
Chapters: 15 Word Count:66,449
Warnings: Sexual content, language, Doctor Who Series 3 spoilers, Supernatural season 4 spoilers
Summary: Martha Jones and Sam Winchester suddenly switch places, finding themselves in unfamiliar surroundings with strange new companions.
A/N: Multi-chapter posted at The Chamber archive.


Awake (NC-17)
Characters/Pairing: Peter/Monica, Micah, HRG, The Haitian
Word Count:3,444
Warnings: Smut, angst, dark fic, series 2 spoilers
Summary: He comes to her in her dreams.

Faith (PG)
Pairing: Adam/Monica
Word Count: 294
Warnings: Angst, dark themes
Summary: He told her his name was Adam.

Pairing: Adam/Monica
Word Count:1,467
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, dark fic, S2 spoilers
Summary: She wasn't really his type.

Ghost (NC-17)
Pairing: Peter/Simone
Word Count: 304
Warnings: Season 1 spoilers, dark fic, graphic sex
Summary: This is how he dreams of her.

Childish Things (PG)
Pairing: Monica/Hiro
Word Count: 227
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: He was never good with tears.

Pairing: Monica/Adam/Elle
Word Count:834
Warnings: Threesome, graphic sex, dark fic
Summary: To say the request was irritating was an understatement.

Flying (R)
Pairing: Nathan/Monica
Word Count: 448
Warnings: Fluff, mild sexual content
Summary: Monica's the only person that asks Nathan about Flying.

Forever the Same (NC-17)
Characters/Pairing: Peter/Simone, Adam, Sylar, Angela, mentions of Issac and Nathan
Word Count:807
Warnings: Spoilers S1 & S4, threesome, graphic sex, dark fic
Summary: He can't stop kissing her.

The Dreamer (PG)
Characters: Monica, mentions of Nana
Word Count:174
Warnings: Spoilers S2
Summary: It's ironic really, that she'd crumble at the easiest part.

Just Skin (PG-13)
Character: Monica
Word Count: 125
Warnings: Violence, language
Summary: The pain makes her slightly more relentless than usual.

Chemistry (PG-13)
Pairing: Monica/Elle
Words: 154
Warnings: Language
Summary: She doesn't have any real friends.

Punchdrunk Love (PG)
Pairing: Adam/Monica
Words: 300
Warnings: Spoilers S2, some violent imagery
Summary: "I've never been fond of children"

Father Figure (G)
Characters: Monica, Noah
Words: 125
Summary: "Stay on your feet"


Firelight (PG-13)
Pairing: Sawyer/Juliet
Word Count:614
Summary: He wants to move forward.

Pairing: Sawyer/Juliet
Word Count:387
Warnings: Spoilers S5
Summary: This wasn't the life he had and she's still not sure it's one he wants.

Pairing: Jack/Ana Lucia
Word Count: 657
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, dark fic, S2 spoilers
Summary: He's sure that if she's not with him that she'll disappear completely.

Ilana (R)
Pairing: Sayid/Llana
Word Count:472
Warnings: Sexual content, language, S5 spoilers
Summary: Her entire life is made up of choices.

Whispers (R)
Pairing: Miles/Naomi
Word Count: 222
Warnings: Smut, dark fic
Summary: There's always a price to pay when waking the dead.

There Was No Future Left at All. (R)
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Claire, mentions of Kate, Juliet, and Charlie
Word Count:1,430
Warnings:Incest, angst, sexual content, spoilers up to S5
Summary: She ends up exactly where she was before.

Bleed like Me (R)
Pairing: Sayid/Ana Lucia
Word Count:349
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Summary: They've become nothing, except what they are to each other.

Strawberries (PG-13)
Pairing: Ana Lucia/ Juliet
Word Count: 223
Summary: It's the last thing she expects from this particular woman.

Dirty Cop (PG-13)
Character: Ana Lucia
Word Count: 533
Warnings: Spoilers for spoilers for 6.16, language
Summary: There are rules to these kinds of things.

Mad Men

Brown Eyed Girl (NC-17)
Characters/Pairing: Don/OFC, Pete, Roger
Word Count: 2,422
Warnings: Graphic sex, language
Summary: It's what she wants. And he wants her.

Prison Break

Square (PG-13)
Characters: Gretchen, Emily
Word Count:201
Warnings: Language
Summary: Crusts or no Crusts?

Spark (R)
Pairing: Michael/Gretchen
Word Count:541
Warnings:Language, sexual situations
Summary: Once he touched her there was on going back.

Silence (G)
Pairing: Michael/Gretchen
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's a rare moment between them.

Not Alone (NC-17)
Pairing: Michael/Gretchen
Word Count:1,459
Warnings: Language, Graphic sex, s4 spoilers
Summary: He doesn't know why this is the way he deals with dying.

Heat (PG-13)
Pairing: Lincoln/Gretchen
Word Count: 237
Summary: It was those eyes of hers.

Stay (R)
Pairing: Lincoln/Gretchen
Word Count:288
Warnings: Sex, Language
Summary: He makes her tremble.

Sin (NC-17)
Pairing: Lincoln/Gretchen
Word Count: 217
Warnings: Sex, Language
Summary: Her clothes lay torn at his feet.

Almost (R)
Pairing: Lincoln/Gretchen
Word Count:256
Warnings: Mild sex
Summary: She's still sleeping.

Surrender (NC-17)
Pairing: Lincoln/Gretchen
Word Count:783
Warnings: PWP, Language
Summary: She's not a girl. Not even close.

Drifting (PG-13)
Characters/Pairing: Lincoln/Kacee, L.J. Michael/Sara, mentions of Kacee/C.Note
Word Count:2,493
Warnings: AU, S2, mild language
Summary: It was a damn nice thing to do for a stranger.

Touch (PG)
Pairing: Alex/Pam
Word Count: 259
Warnings: N/A
Summary: And yet things were different. Forever changed between them.

Plan B(NC-17)
Pairing: Sucre/Maricruz
Word Count:200
Warnings: Crack fic, PWP, Masturbation
Summary: I think I feel something.

Resistance (NC-17)
*Crossover with 24*
Characters/Pairing: Michael/Nicole, Jack/Sandra, Lincoln, Mahone, Chloe
Word Count: 3,657
Warnings:Language, graphic sex, mild bdsm, violence
Summary: Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-not absence of fear.


That Other Woman (R)
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Cassie, mentions of Sam
Word Count: 1,448
Warnings: Graphic sex, Language, Pre-series
Summary: She wanted to be the woman he couldn't leave behind.

Charmed (R)
Characters?Pairing: Dean/Cassie, Sam, Bobby, Ellen
Word Count:2,697
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, violent imagery, mild bdsm
Summary: "So you're saying what? I got magic herpes?"

Pairing: Tamara/Isaac
Word Count: 300
Warnings: Language, spoilers for Ep.3.1
Summary: What she didn't say

Hunter (PG-13)
Characters: Tamara, Bobby
Word Count:300
Warnings: Language, spoilers for Ep. 3.1
Summary: She had to start again

Like it Was (NC -17)
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Tamara, Sam
Word Count: 4,507
Warnings: angst, language, explicit sex, spoilers for Ep. 3.1
Summary: He was a lucky man, that Isaac

Reunion (NC-17)
Pairing: Tamara/Dean
Word Count:1,012
Warnings: Graphic sex, mild violence
Summary: He was a lucky man, that Issac.

Farewell and Goodnight (R)
Pairing: Ellen/Dean
Word Count: 300
Warnings: graphic sex, language, S5 spoilers
Summary: She'd turn off the light any other day.

Salvage (NC-17)
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Crossroads Demon/OFC
Word count: 1,990
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, dark fic
Summary: It’s been sixty years since her first kiss. It feels like hours.

Through a Glass, Darkly (Strong R)
*Crossover with Doctor Who*
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Martha, Ten, Sam, Bobby, Jack, Donna, The Master, Lilith, Ruby, Gordon, John
Chapters: 15 Word Count:66,449
Warnings: Sexual content, language, Doctor Who Series 3 spoilers, Supernatural season 4 spoilers
Summary: Martha Jones and Sam Winchester suddenly switch places, finding themselves in unfamiliar surroundings with strange new companions.
A/N: Multi-chapter posted at The Chamber archive.

The Fan (PG-13)
Pairing: Sam/Becky
Word Count: 428
Warnings: Language
Summary: Sam's on the football team. Becky's a huuuge fan.

Blackout (NC-17)
Pairing: Pamela/Tamara, Issac/Tamara
Word Count: 1,007
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, some mild threesome kink if you squint
Summary: Pam wants to kiss Tamara because Issac wants to kiss her.

The Vampire Diaries

Pairing: Stefan/Bonnie/Damon
Word Count: 1,000
Warnings: Threesome, implied incest, graphic sexual content
Summary: Bonnie's been enjoying this too much lately.

You Won't Let Me Sleep (NC-17)
Characters/Pairings: Stefan/Bonnie, Stefan/Elena, Damon
Word count: 1,423
Warnings: Dark fic, blood play, sexual content
Summary: She's inside him, all over his skin. Now he can feel her.

Wish You Away
Characters/Pairing: Damon/Bonnie, mentions of Stefan/Elena
Word Count:1,446
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, violent imagery, mild blood play
Summary: Bonnie wouldn’t call what she does with Damon dating.

A Spinning Carousel (PG-13)
Characters: Bonnie, Elena, Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Emily, mentions of Shelia
Pairings: Stefan/Elena, with hints of Damon/Bonnie, Stefan/Bonnie, and Matt/Bonnie.
Word Count: 1,435
Warnings: Language
Summary: Bonnie slips and Grams rights her, gentle, but firm enough to make her feel safe.

Bloodlust (NC-17)
Pairing: Stefan/Bonnie
Word Count: 283
Warnings: Sex, language, slight dub-con
Summary: He forgot the way this works.

The Night Descending (NC-17)
Characters/Pairing: Damon/dark!Bonnie
Word Count: 1,072
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 1X14, “Fool Me Once.” Violence, mentions of bloodplay, mild sexual content
Summary: It should be harder than this.


Cold Case

The Other Side (R)
Characters/Pairing: Kat/Scotty, Vera, mentions of Jeffries and Stillman
Word Count: 3,624
Warning: explicit language
Summary: He couldn’t find that moment when things started to change between them.


Damaged (R)
*crossover with Alias*
Pairing: Dexter/Ana
Word Count:711
Warning: violence, language
Summary: Dexter finds an intriguing distraction.


Your Life Without Me (R)
Pairing: Carter/Kem
Word Count:2,493
Warning: Sex, language
Summary: This is his life without her.

Party of Five

Like Falling (R)
Characters/Pairing: Charlie/Grace, Bailey, Julia, Owen, OFC
Word Count:10,017
Warnings: Graphic sex, language, AU
Summary: Everything changes. Love remains.


Secretary (NC-17)
Pairing: Jim/OFC
Word Count: 2,658
Warnings: BDSM, graphic sex, language
Summary: Anyone who thinks controlling people is a science is dead wrong. It's an art.

The Wire

The Why of Things (R)
Characters: Lester, Dukie, Prez, Bunk
Word Count:1,622
Warnings:Language, S4
Summary: Lester's always been more concerned with the why of things.


Smoking Aces

On Tilt(NC-17)
Characters/Pairings: Georgia/Richard, Sir Ivy, Locke, Buddy, Sharice
Word Count:
Warnings:Language, explicit sex
Summary: Being on Tilt=Letting Your emotions disrupt your ability to play the game.

Star Trek

Pairing: Spock/Uhura
Word Count: 547
Warnings: N/A
Summary: It didn't strike him as illogical at first.

Sacrifice (NC-17)
Pairing: Nero/Uhura
Word Count:722
Warnings: Explicit sex, language
Summary: It began as a compromise.


Jane Austen

Persuasion (R)
Pairing: Edward/Anne
Chapters: 7 Word Count: 28, 802
Warnings: language, explicit sex
*posted at The Chamber Archive*
Summary: Eight years after ending their affair, Anne Elliot is confronted by the only man she ever loved.

Pairing: George/Emma
Chapters: 8 Words: 28,434
Summary: Soap opera sweetheart Emma Woodhouse discovers true love might be closer than she thinks.

Pride & Prejudice (NC-17)
Pairing: Darcy/Elizabeth
Chapters:? Words:?
Warnings: Language, explicit sex
Summary: Free spirit Lizzie Bennett instantly clashes with conservative corporate raider, Will Darcy.

Prompt Tables

heroes15 Claim: Monica Dawson

01Risk.02Fear.03Agony.04 Temptation.05Evil.06Desperation.07Broken.08 Pain.09Tears.10Ruin.11Never.12Death.13 Forbidden.14Rage.15 Leave.

drabble123.Claim: 300 words for SPN/General Series/Table is Angst.

1.Forsaken2.Cruel3.Bleed4. Goodbye5.Infidelity6. Bitter7.Untruth8.Fear9.Unrequited10.Empty11.Poison12.Cry13.Scar14.Rejection15.Alone16.Broken17.Loss18.Ache19.Secrets20.Writer's choice

10iloveyou Table: Relationship/Claim: Man Men (General Series).

1. Trust 6. Passion
2. Truth 7. Duty
3. Rules 8. Forgiveness
4. Loss 9. Betrayal
5. Loyalty 10. Your choice

Table for un_love_you. Claim: Vampire Diaries (General Series)

01.You were right about me.
02.I was wrong about you.
03.This cancels out the hurt.

04.I need to want you.
05. You can be like me.
06.I want to need you.

07.Prove it.
08.I'm cruel.
09. Always wondered what this'd be like.

10.I'm broken.
11.Thought I needed this.
12.I'm drunk.

13.I want to hurt you.
14.I'm awake and you're breathing.
15.This is my desperation in action.

16.I want to break you.
17. Wish I didn't love you.
18.I pity you.

19.This isn't about you at all.
20.I hate you, you bitch.
21.You'll do.

22.I hate myself.
23.You remind me of me.
24.I want you to hate me.

25.You remind me of someone.
26.I can be like you.27.
Author's Choice.

28.Author's Choice.
29.Author's Choice.
30.Author's Choice.

Table for un_love_you . Being Human (General Series).

01.You were right about me.
02.I was wrong about you.
03.This cancels out the hurt.

04.I need to want you.
05.You can be like me.
06.I want to need you.

07.Prove it.
08.I'm cruel.
09.Always wondered what this'd be like.

10.I'm broken.
11.Thought I needed this.
12.I'm drunk.

13.I want to hurt you.
14.I'm awake and you're breathing.
15.This is my desperation in action.

16.I want to break you.
17.Wish I didn't love you.
18.I pity you.

19.This isn't about you at all.
20.I hate you, you bitch.
21.You'll do.

22.I hate myself.
23.You remind me of me.
24.I want you to hate me.

25.You remind me of someone.
26.I can be like you.27.
Author's Choice.

28.Author's Choice.
29.Author's Choice.
30.Author's Choice.

General Fandom: citrus_taste

001. Comfort Sex
002. Table
003. Flavored Lube
004. Bathtub Playtime
005. Body Oil/Paints

006. The Net
007. Movie Scene Reinactment
008. Shower Sex
009. Hideaway
010. To the Hilt

011. Blindfold
012. Vanilla
013. Doggie-Style
014. Food Fetish
015. Dominatrix

016. Toys
017. Virginal
018. Waterproof
019. Knife Play
020. Vibrator

021. Choker
022. Honey Dust
023. Medical Play
024. Spanking
025. Fingering

026. Harems
027. Orgasm Denial
028. Anonymous
029. Rim Job
030. Harness

031. Costumes
032. Anal Sex
033. Double-Penetration
034. Animalistic
035. Blow Job/Going Down

036. Threesome
037. Grinding
038. Pornography
039. Position 69
040. Biting

041. BDSM
042. Vampirism
043. Tantric Sex
044. Masturbation
045. Voyeruism

046. Lap Dance
047. In Public
048. Imprisonment/Captivity
049. Leather
050. Wildcard

Mystery table: 50originals for
La Sinfonia

01 Private Eye
02 Diamond
03 Shadows
04 Handcuffs
05 Blackmail

06 Prison
07 Escape
08 Arrest
09 Gun
10 Badge

11 Magnifying Glass
12 Clue
13 Suspect
14 Disappearance
15 Discovery

16 Victim
17 Fingerprints
18 Gloves
19 Rope
20 Consulting Detective

21 Elementary
22 Noir
23 Poison
24 Crime
25 Punishment

26 Hidden
27 Deception
28 Law
29 Safe
30 Code

31 Spy
32 Security
33 Bribe
34 Interrogation
35 Accent

36 Flee
37 Scandal
38 Femme Fatale
39 Stiletto
40 Swordcane

41 Bloodhound
42 Frame
43 Adultery
44 Client
45 Body

46 Defence
47 Lawyer
48 Money
49 Conspiracy
50 Forensics

tokenblkgirl, master fic list

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