I know this is not a nice thing for me to do but I kinda wanna know. Perhaps I won't get it but my curiosity has gotten the better half of me. I have a mission for people to pester
UmbraSomni to find out what he is getting me for my birthday on the 8th of February. If you know what it is then don't tell me but tell me if it's something you'll think I'll like but not what it is. If you find out then just message me on MSN. Jeez, I feel horrible for writing this but I am getting hyper because it's near my birthday.
As for my birthday I got a cheque in a envelope and nothing else except a blank white paper wrapped around the cheque. Yes there was no birthday card but there was a memo it's from my grandma signed by my father. Very weird, don't you think? It got me all confused about it too. Well I think I made enough entries for today and I am sorry for bumming everyone else yesterday with my livejournal if anyone read it. It is now time for me to really go to bed.