Apparently, telling T that I actually like using Vista and want to install it on my soon-to-be-upgraded desktop system is enough to make him clutch at his chest and look as if I've just slaughtered him.
Sorry, dear.
On the other hand, it may have been almost adequate payback for him trapping me in the downstairs powder room (why do we call it that? there's no powder involved) last night to have Serious Conversations about how I handle (or don't) difficult spots in relationships, and other assorted and related things. Still thinking on his remarks.
Possibly offline tonight to start setting up the new hard drive. Possibly enough of an addict to just log on from the laptop instead while Vista installs (assuming I manage to find the time this afternoon to go and buy it for the horrible taxing price of $8 from the student computing centre). Also, tomorrow night can't come soon enough, lest I fall into irreparable