And I seem to never update anymore. But I'm doing nothing right now, and I suppose since I'm not on my way to being shit-faced, my only other option is introspection.
Some retrospection...
- Graduation.
- Leaving Pittsburgh, moving back home.
- Flying to Portland, OR to camp and eat vegan food with quasi-strangers.
- Getting hired at the AAPL.
- Megan's wedding; the first "friends' wedding"...bizarrely adult.
- Applying to MLIS programs; hopefully (hopefully!) grad school will be part of 2008.
And some resolutions...
- Have more self-confidence. (How this is accomplished, I'm rather foggy about.)
- Eat healthier.
- Continue with physical therapy until I have corrected my rotated pelvis. (Yay for an end to paralyzing back pain.)
- Start exercising again (once back pain/damned pelvis is no longer an issue).
- Have higher standards for how I pass the time.
- Work seriously on, and complete, vegan cookzine.
- Dedicate time to write.
- Finish books in a timely fashion (21 days); return on time.
- Learn to handle stress better; stop allowing things out of my control (read: demanding-discourteous-asshole patrons at work) to influence my mood
I think that's all for now.