Study Break

Dec 13, 2006 14:10

I was in the library a little after 9.00 this morning, and studied Linguistics until noon. I have work at 4.00. In the meantime. . .

Spell your name with bands/artists

S.onic Youth
A.ppleseed Cast
R.ilo Kiley
A.zure Ray

-- Name: Sara
-- Birth date: 2 July 1985
-- Nickname: Francoise/Daria (high school), Sarchan (London)
-- Current Location: David Lawrence Computer Lab
-- Eye Color: blue
-- Hair Color: red
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: the Crab! >_<

-- The shoes you wore today: black Converse chucks
-- Your weaknesses: procrastinating, whining, sleeping
-- Your fears: rejection, spiders, wasting my life
-- Your perfect pizza: tempeh sausage-mushroom with some kind of melty, chewy, stringy VEGAN mozzarella-the kind that only exists in dreams
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: figure out a meaning for my life, get a poem (or a book of poems) published someday

-- Your best physical feature: my scowl
-- Your bedtime: anywhere between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.
-- Most missed memory: bringing in my grandmother’s mail and sitting with her after school

-- Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Taco Bell = vegan bean burrito
-- Adidas or Nike: Converse
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: sun tea
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: dark chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

-- Smoke: no
-- Curse: unfortunately
-- Sing: when loopy or no one’s around
-- Take a shower everyday: usually
-- Have a crush: sorta?
-- Do you think you've been in love?: no
-- Want to go to college: I want to graduate.
-- Like(d) high school: as much as I would have liked purgatory
-- Want to get married: yes
-- Get motion sickness: yes, bleh.
-- Think you're attractive: not really
-- Think you're a health freak: I <3 vegetables. . . but I also <3 chocolate. So probably a bit more of a health freak than the average American.
-- Get along with your parents: very well
-- Play an instrument: 12 years of piano lessons, one of these days I’ll start playing again. . .

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yes
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: nothing other than prescriptions
-- Gone to the mall: no
-- Kissed someone: no
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
-- Eaten Sushi: yes
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: yes
-- Gone Skinny dipping: no
-- Stolen anything: no

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- If so, was it mixed company: N/A
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Been beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: no

-- Age you hope to be married: 28?
-- Numbers of Children: 0-1
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Haha. Small. Very un-wedding-like. No white dress.
-- What country would you most like to visit? UK (again), Iceland

In the opposite/same sex. . . or attracting. . .
-- Best eye color?: brown
-- Best hair color?: dark brown
-- Short hair or long hair?: short-ish assymetrical/androgynous
-- Height: bit taller than me, I guess
-- Best weight: meh, scrawny
-- Best articles of clothing: (good) band tee shirts, cardigans

-- Number of people I could trust my life with: 3?
-- Number of CDs that I own: a good many
-- Number of tattoos: zero

studying, finals, meme

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