Some thoughts (slightly organized for viewing pleasure):
Why are all the Carnegie Library's copies of My So-Called Life located in Mt. Washington? Grrr.
I cut my hair. There may be a wee bit more cutting to come, although the bathroom is still in recovery from yesterday's foray. I wish I had a razor--sorry, scissors, much as I love you, sometimes I just need. . . more.
I made scones today. They have lots of stuff in them, if you know what I mean. (Right, so what I mean is: pecans, sunflower seeds, chopped dates, pumpkin seeds, and carob chips.)
Apparently I am not working tomorrow. I was supposed to start, but there will be no one to train me? So, Wednesday it is. Hillman Library I've put my trust in you, please don't let me down.
I am out of laundry detergent. This is problem, because I have what can only be described as a ridiculously massive pile of dirty laundry taking up half of the floor space in my room. ::Sigh:: Looks like I might have to make a trip to Target. . .
The weather is really nice today, which means I really should go for a walk. Which means getting up some courage, and leaving the house! ::Gasp:: I am incredibly. . . lame.
I've been doing lots of old-fashioned-paper-diary-writing. You know, what we had back in my day, before you kids got all fancy with your world wide web.
Anne Sexton is my hero. This basically sums up my feelings on things right now. And if I'd been alive in the sixties, I would have probably had a devastating crush on her.
Well. Perhaps it is time to do something productive!?