Jun 20, 2004 15:11
actually updating my LJ for the first time in a while. Oh yes, it is a good day.
Well, not really.
Hmm. Maybe.
School is almost done, which is excellent in it's own right, and uni is almost here!
For those few who might not know I decided on UBC, and I've got a scholarship to there
for a few thousand(hopefully to be renewed). Living in Res is the plan right now, on
top of your normal this and that. My courses:
Bio 121,
Chem 111,
Phys 107,108, 109
Math 120, 121
Cpsc 111/112(I think)
Eng 120/121
Looks so small to be responsible for so much money. Finances are looking pretty good
right now, especially with my brother almost payed off from my stupidity with money
that wasn't mine.. *blah* when you're in debt don't spend the money that you ment to
use to get yourself OUT of debt, it just isn't cool.
Way to frigging hot folks, but nothing I can really do about it. *growls* stupid pop
ups, they're all advertising anti-popup software and I just feal the need to smash things.
But yes, I may update again in another month ;)