
Mar 30, 2009 01:24

Happy Birthday, subvers!!

I hope you have a lovely one, and a fantastic year to come, dear.

My Muse is finally feeling creative - if I were to wager a guess, I would say you might like a Hermione/Severus drabble? Correct me if I'm wrong, I shall post one for you tomorrow =)

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Comments 4

subversa March 30 2009, 10:19:13 UTC
I would adore a Severus/Hermione drabble! thank you!


blue_paris March 31 2009, 07:27:48 UTC
Hermione glanced up from the book she had her nose buried in when she heard the front door open and close. By the sounds of it, whoever had just come in was attempting to be stealthy.

Hermione flipped the book over and walked into the living room. "Severus," she said in surprise.

Severus looked up, his eyes wide. "Hermione! Hello," he said brightly, his face blossoming into a rather mirthful smile. His arms were placed firmly behind his back.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. Since when was Severus Snape... bubbly? Hermione shook her head. Absolutely not possible. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Nothing," Severus said, too fast.

Hermione frowned at him, utterly confused.

Meow.Hermione blinked. "Severus, why is your back mewling?" she asked quietly ( ... )


*iz ded of teh cute* subversa March 31 2009, 07:35:44 UTC
Oh, this is adorable and it made me SMILE. Love how he tried to be affable (not working) and stealthy (hard when your back is meowing). Such a sweet, tender moment for them.

And I lurve kitties!

*happy sigh*

Thank you, sweetie!


Re: *iz ded of teh cute* blue_paris March 31 2009, 07:42:55 UTC
Woot! I am so glad you liked it.

You are most welcome. Hope you had a lurvely birthday!


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