Jan 01, 2013 20:26
So, this is this new year after the world has supposed to ended? Seems very much like the previous one, so far! This year however, PatriX and me attended a New Year's Party in Germany. We revisited the estate where Tani and Nightfox got married earlier last year (funny to mention it like that, yesterday it was still "earlier this year"). Much fun was had and friends met. Also a lot of good food eaten and interesting drinks embibbed! Really cool Party, was great seeing all you guys again!
Hey, for once, all train connections worked fine! I wonder if this has some significance for this new year? Functional and on-time trains for the year after the mayan apocalypse? This afterlife doesn't seem to bad so far! If that is so, I am going to travel my arse off of Europe this year!
What is to say of my expectations for 2013 and my past 2012? Lot of personal stress toward the end of the year as huge turmoil shook some of my close friends here in Switzerland. Worksituation has been trickling along a bit better for a bit worse at times just like the economy. I have done a lot of travelling, which I want to continue this year... We'll just have to see. Things are "soso" for 2012 with a lot of emphasis on various desasters, dramas and dystopian disasters... I expect 13 to be more of the same "soso" with media emphasis on everything that goes wrong, while everything and everybody is just trying to get along with stuff...
Also a word of Thanks: Thank all of you guys sending me an PX crimbo cards!
new year