May 30, 2012 23:32
Oh did I have fun :D Drawing, trading stuff with other artists, drinking in the evening... Badges, badges, badges, badges...
The weather was fairly nice and pleasant, at least at the times I was outside. On Friday there were a lot of patches of rain and a hefty downpour in the Evening. A lot of attendees came up with a lot of ingenious ways to boast the rain indoors: Wine testing in the Dealers Den, Cheese tasting on improvised tables in the lobby in front of the art show and then a relaxation session in the art show itself. Then tons of booze and coffee in the cafeteria. Lots of long drawing sessions in the artists room and even longer talking sessions after bedtime.
Didn't see the fireplace though, the first evening, there wasn't anybody there I knew, and the second evening there was the downpour. The third and last evening there was the dance. Which wrecked me once again.
MMC has easily become the only commercial convention where I can go to, relax and still find a lot of time to chat with friends. It's such a creative vibe, I can't miss it. As far as the buzz in the artists room goes, this is how furry conventions have always been for me. These are my roots, this is my core convention. It has become a rare commodity, with EF wonderfully growing and becoming more and more international and with myself being entangled in more and more functions with different conventions. Also, this hasn't stopped at MMC either: I was asked if I could stand in for Cinwolf, whom I have known for ages and who had to drop out of this year's con-season at a short notice. He is a gopher for the Art Show there...
So little me was once again a Gopher for Art Show Staff. This rounds off my Nostalgia Sentiment of this year's MMC. I felt back at EF X, 11 and 12, when I was a dog's body for Watani, and just like back then, my performance as staff member was equally poor: I overslept, forgot schedules and didn't turn up for the Art Checkout, as I had to retreat for a quick snooze to my room after dinner on that night. I am sure Skunky, the manager there, was all huffy and puffy about that at the time - I am sorry! Won't happen again! :D
What else?... There were a lot of laughs as sketchbooks were passed around. In a few selected ones, there are sketches of EFX and MMC 8 - it won't be long, till I can actually have a jubilee on my furry convention career too... 2013 Anthrocon would be precise :D
As there weren't a lot of new sketchbooks, I hardly got round to trade. I did get a nifty sketch from Pan in mine, something I have actually been tagging and nagging for a few years now...
PatriX and I rounded off the Germany trip with a visit over at Akeela and Footpad's Place. The two had got married during the convention, so we simply had to drop by to pass on our best wishes. Getting married or entering civil partnership seems to be en vouge this year amongst our furry friends. I am sure, everybody is now waiting for PX an me :P
Next up: CH-on 5 in a Week... then the long wait for EF in August... After that, I guess there will be the end of season weekend again. I really need to get around more...
furry convention,
convention report,