[In his Care] Chapter 83 ~part 1

Jul 08, 2011 15:35

Kiki-darling ♥
I lost my lovely turtle last month and have just cried and been depressed. I miss her so incredibly much! She was supposed to be my life partner men can come and go but my turtle stays. I've always had a thing for turtles, but the reason I got Kiki was because I became a Johnnys fan and kept talking nonstop about AkaKame to my mum and my sister. I had no idea they would actually get me a turtle ♥ (And yes, my mum knows. She is a huge Queer as Folk fan XD)
This has been a depressing year so far. My grandfather died, the tragedy in Japan, now Kiki and we just found out a family friend suffering from cancer doesn't have long. >.<

But yes, this is actually a chapter post, so let's not get too depressed. I hope you'll enjoy this update! Chapter 83 was almost done and I had planned to post it the next week after posting chapter 82 as a surprise, but that was when Kiki was taken from me and I stopped writing altogether. I'm sorry I missed both Kame's and Jin's birthday this year. I tried to make it for Jin's, but I wasn't fast enough and then I went with my sister and mum to Malta. That was fun and it took my mind off things. I even got to pet a small sea turtle and almost burst into tears. Malta is really awesome! In two months I will leave for Japan. I wanted to finish this fic before that, but this month will at least be spent writing three essays in time for the deadline which is the end of the month ^^; After that I will be free and spend my time writing on more fun stuff a.k.a. Akame and other pretty boys ♥

Title: In his Care
Chapter: 83/86
Pairings: Akame, TxT, KinKi Kids, TomaPi, RyoUchi, YunJae and many more.
Fandoms: JE, wFL, random Jboys, random Kboys and hints of tenimyu and dramas
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: please pay attention to possible extra warnings (e.g. spoiler warnings) posted at each chap, overall warnings for non-con, violence and language.
Summary: AU. Kame's two years in prison and his life after that. In this chapter Jin comes back...

[Phase one] Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21

[Phase two] Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47

[Phase three] Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 Chapter 60 Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 71 Chapter 72 Chapter 73 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 Chapter 76 Chapter 77 Chapter 78 Chapter 79

[Phase four] Chapter 80 Chapter 81 Chapter 82

EDIT: Wow, thanks for all the comments! I'll reply once I get my essays done ^^ But for now, I'm off to FinnconAnimecon2011 in Turku \:D/

Chapter 83

Jin refused to accept what he had just heard. Practically everyone around him was just as shocked as he was, except for the defence whose lawyer was interrogating their witness.

“Would you repeat that, sir?” Kumada asked politely.

“I have never signed any contracts with Johnny Kitagawa or with any of his agencies or branches.” Miyavi repeated. “And I was never sexually harassed or taken advantage of by anyone of his staff or clients.”

Kumada turned towards their party. “What is this? Have you brought false evidence to the court?”

Ohno was quick to protest, flying to his feet. “I object to that! Our witness-”

“Your witness is saying he has never even been to my client's club.” Kumada interrupted. “You have no witness, who has signed one of my client's supposedly inhuman contracts and been sexually abused in his service. Your witness just denied the authenticity of this contract you have claimed as evidence.”

The lawyer turned towards the judges. “Your honours, the plaintiff has brought false evidence to this courtroom. This case was accepted on the grounds that they had two witnesses ready to testify against my client.”

“If the plaintiff has no witness with a contract then this case is dismissed.” the older male judge stated and the decision was supported by the two other judges and like that the trial ended.

The defendant party rose and Masa thanked both of his lawyers before sending a smile in their direction and left the courtroom. Jin's gaze lingered on Kame's fading back. He couldn't believe the boy had just let Masa and Johnny win.

Tachibana Keita was the last of the wFL lay judges to rise to his feet, eyes finding Jin’s, as if wanting to say something. Jin guessed it would be something along the lines of 'I told you so', but Keita didn't look as satisfied as Masa with the outcome today. He watched the boy disappear into the back rooms and was tempted to follow.

“Come on. Let's go back to the blocks.” Yamapi urged, as their three lay judges and two reserves gathered around them. “Let's talk there.”

“I agree, before they bust the police on us too.” Ohno said and the eight of them swiftly retreated to the blocks.

“What happened?” the other gangsters wanted to know as they returned, though the look upon their faces probably said it all.

“We lost the case.” Ohno replied.

“What?” Koki asked in disbelief. “But you didn't even do your closings.”

“Miyavi betrayed us.” Yamapi added.

“It was a setup.” Jin muttered. “We should've known better than to use Miyavi. He's a loose cannon.”

“Johnny and his company go free.” Ueda said. “We didn't have any say in it. The judges made the call.”

“Masa made us look like idiots.” Ohno gritted between his teeth, remembering the smile on the detective’s lips as he had left.

“And with that fiasco we won't be able to establish a new case based on Jin's testimony alone.” Yamapi said. “They'll never let it go to court again.”

“Kame-chan knew more than well, especially in his current position, how hard it is to get any solid evidence against Johnny.” Ohno said. “And he still let him go. He worked for them all the way to the end. This disaster will not make look Johnny all that bad now that we didn't even get a verdict.”

“Well, that’s not all.” Yokoyama Yu said, as Kanjani8 joined the three gangs gathered on the street.

“More surprises?” Yamapi asked, overjoyed to hear what more had gone wrong.

“There was another setup.” Subaru said. “Our senpais got caught this morning.”

“What?” Ohno let out. “Which of them?”

“Smap, Tokio and V6.” Ryo replied. “Apparently Goro-senpai took it personally that Kame-chan supposedly switched sides and the senpais planned an attack to get Kame-chan back themselves before today’s session at court.”

“Why didn't they include us in it? We take it pretty personally too!” Maru asked.

“It's not like we've included them either and when Jin kidnapped Kame-chan they were the only ones not there.” Ueda said. “But why did Goro-senpai take it upon himself to get Kame-chan back?”

“Yojirou worked under Goro-senpai and was left in charge of the S Club when Smap got caught. Goro-senpai was always very fond of Yojirou.” Jin explained. “I bet Yojirou was worried for his little brother and asked Goro-senpai for help.”

“Goro-senpai must've felt he owed Kame-chan that for not being able to do anything for him in prison.” Subaru guessed.

“Our senpais broke inside Johnny's building early this morning. They probably took your idea to break in and did it during daylight when no one expected them.” Uchi continued, eyeing the two rival leaders.

“Damn it, they walked right into a trap.” Yamapi cursed. “I knew it had been too easy when Jin and I broke in. Masa and Kame-chan must've been well-aware we were there, but let us in and planted the contracts with Miyavi's name there for us to find. No wonder we got them to court so easily in the first place. Masa knew there was nothing to fear.”

“Which would mean their eyes in America spotted me there and they were hoping we would use their activities there to build a case and then they handed us all the evidence, rendering it useless when we would've needed it the most.” Jin added. “Miyavi was working for them from the start. They set the whole thing up before we even made first contact with them. Tachibana Keita tried to warn us we couldn't win. He knew Miyavi was on their side and without our key witness we wouldn’t have a case when we didn’t even have the judges on our side yet. They stroke fast. We thought they were just trying to figure out who our mysterious witness was, but they were really urging us to bring Miyavi forth so they could end it before we got too friendly with the judges.”

“But our senpais are not idiots.” Ohno insisted. “How did they manage to catch them all?”

“We're not clear on the details yet, but it seemed they were trapped inside various areas of the building, which would indicate they split up into their own gangs and worked separately in order not to get caught. It’s difficult moving around as a larger group unseen.” Subaru explained. “In the end it seems it was a computer programmed trap that sealed them.”

“Kame-chan?” Yamapi asked.

“We haven't been able to confirm, but we're afraid so.” Subaru answered. “He would’ve had the time to catch them and still show up for court at noon.”

“He’s really changed sides…” Sho sighed.

“No.” Jin insisted. “I know he’s hiding something! I just know it! He’s doing this for a reason! I’ve got to find out what.”

“Or you can just face the facts.” Yamapi reasoned. “Kame-chan changed sides. For one reason or another, which he won’t share with any of us, he works for Johnny now and Johnny is making profit out of him while we’re suffering great losses. Would the Kame-chan we knew have done that to us? Would he have betrayed our senpais?”

Jin was silent, fisting his hands.

“It’s not impossible for a person to get bribed.” Yamapi continued. “Everyone has weaknesses. You ought to know that, you used to prey on people’s weaknesses for both business and pleasure. Masa might actually have changed Kame-chan’s mind and considering if that happened while we were in Korea then Kame-chan might not have been strong enough to resist whatever temptations and promises of freedom Masa fed him.”

“Even you think like that?” Jin asked.

“I don’t want to, but the one thing that can turn a person bad is to have to go through as much shit as you made Kame-chan experience so maybe he finally lost all hope and revenge started tasting so sweet right about then.” Yamapi said. “My understanding was crossed when he pointed out Toma as our missing member and let Johnny off the hook today. To add to it he captured our senpais! Who's to say he won't try the same with us? He sure as hell has been threatening he will all along, but we didn’t take him seriously. I suggest we start now.”

“I don’t believe it.” Jin said stubbornly. Kame wasn’t like that despite what he had done to the smaller boy.

“Where are you going?” Yamapi called after him.

“I'm going to find him!” Jin called back and Yamapi hurried up to his side, grabbing his shoulder hard and making him halt.

“You can't go there you don't know what he'll do next and there are more important matters at hand!” the News leader insisted. “We need to figure out what went wrong so we don't go stepping on more of Masa's land mines.”

“There's one thing I just can't figure out.” Ohno said. “The first judge they had already bought, the second one actually ruled as she saw best, but how did they get that third judge? I thought we had him cornered.”

“I don't know, but it's been bugging me too.” Yamapi replied. “How were they so sure all three judges would rule their way today? Could they have gotten to him too before we did? That would mean that he'll be getting his reward soon now that his job is done.”

“If you're looking to find him I've got an idea where he might be.” Kusano said, with quite the wicked smile on his lips. “Seeing as I was just a reserve lay judge I did some homework while he was in court. There was one club in the entertainment area he seemed to have an interest in before this case.”

“Take us there.” Yamapi said, eyeing Jin next. “Let's go. You'll feel a lot better when you get to vent some anger on him. This time I won't tell you to hold back.” he said and the other leader nodded, following him and Kusano together with Matsumoto and Ohno. Ryo, wanting to represent someone of Kanjani8 or actually just wanting to go to a club, tagged along after them.

The sun hadn’t even set as they were at the steps of the club in question.

“So where is he?” Jin asked, as they entered and did a quick sweep.

They were hardly welcomed there and received some long unfriendly looks, but no one approached them as they made their way further into the club. Johnny and his men were used to them sticking their noses in there from time to time, but as long as they didn't interrupt business they were left alone. Johnny wanted to avoid meaningless fights in his clubs that would hurt his image. Tonight he was going to get one anyway, as Jin had held back the urge to beat this judge up so far and now he finally had a really good reason to let go.

They sat down by a table and Kusano swept his gaze over the crowd. “Over there. In front of the stage. He's definitely here for his reward.”

“Yeah, there’s Masa and some of his men, but I don’t see Kame-chan.” Matsumoto said, laying his eyes upon an older man in their company. “Huh, there's even Johnny himself, enjoying his victory.”

“Kame-chan's probably not the reward, so there's no reason for him to be here. He can’t have climbed so high on Johnny’s food chain either in a single year.” Yamapi said and Jin was relieved to hear the other leader still thought even that of Kame.

Suddenly the lights changed in the club as a number started on the stage. All eyes turned to a figure dressed in a colourful kimono, wearing a mask.

Jin frowned, noticing something familiar in the way the figure moved, and froze in his seat, as the person removed the mask. Kame's hair was pulled back, red lipstick painted on his lips. The boy's movements were graceful as he danced in an almost traditional way, meaning Kame had definitely done some dancing before, and even though Jin had heard Kame's voice hit all kinds of notes in bed he had never heard Kame sing before and was mesmerized by what he heard.

“I don't know, Pi, you said Kame-chan is just the appetizer, but when I look at him I can't help but to think of appetizer, main dish and dessert.” Kusano sighed, leaning back into his seat to take a comfortable position. “I'm so glad I came here tonight.”

Kame pulled out a fan from his kimono, opening it up and dancing with it, letting it cover parts of his face and then reveal them only to cover the next part. He held the fan up in the air as he slowly spun around on his toes.

“Well, well, it would seem as even though Kame-chan gave up on the judge, the judge didn't give up on Kame-chan.” Matsumoto commented, seeing how the judge in question was being pulled into the show before him. The judge had to feel his efforts were paid back, where he was seated directly in front of the stage and Kame's eyes, high-lighted with a dark eye-liner, rested on his a majority of the time.

Jin had seen that look in Kame's eyes before and it made him shiver. Every time the fan moved over Kame's eyes Jin wanted it to move away. He wanted to know what Kame was thinking right then to be able to muster such a look. Only he had been able to make Kame look like that before and now Kame was gazing with those eyes at someone else. It made Jin want to storm over there right now, but then Kame's gaze accidentally connected with his over the room and Kame's hand froze for a second, before the fan moved to cover his eyes again.

Jin never got the chance to lock eyes with Kame again. As soon as the fan had moved out of the way Kame's gaze was already set somewhere else in the room and then the number ended and Kame retreated backstage.

“What a show, huh, Akanishi?” Matsumoto said, eager to tease Jin, but as he turned in his seat he noticed Jin's was empty. “Akanishi?”

“Uh-oh.” Ohno mumbled, eyeing Yamapi, who calmly took a sip out of his drink he had ordered. “Wanna go after him?”

“Actually this time, let him do whatever he wants.” the News leader replied. It's not like he could've stopped Jin anyway after that show and now he didn't even have to worry about Jin screwing up the trial because of Kame.

None of the crew members in the club could stop Jin either and Jin quite effortlessly made his way backstage, finding Kame alone in a room with many mirrors, make-up, wigs, clothes and a million different accessories in a million colors the way Johnny seemed to like them.

He snuck up on the figure trying to get out of his kimono, stopping some feet away.

“Need any help?” he asked, surprising the other one, who looked over one shoulder.

Kame didn't say anything at first, straightening his head then and replied, “I can’t quite get out of this thing.”

“And here I thought the trick was to get into a kimono.” Jin said, walking the remaining feet over to the boy and grabbing the obi, undoing it first.

“Quite the performance today.” he praised half-heartedly.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Kame replied, not sending him a look but Jin could see Kame's face through one of the mirrors. He wanted to mess up that red lipstick so badly. From this distance he could tell that the eye make-up Kame was wearing was the same Kame had worn once during a car race in Korea.

“I meant in court.” Jin said, putting the obi away and slipped his hands under Kame's arms, undoing one of the thin straps that held the kimono in place. “But he does make you do all kinds of things that boss of yours. Just like the one you first worked for in Korea.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Kame replied and Jin had expected more of a reaction to that one. Kame's boss in Korea had almost raped the poor boy after suggesting Kame'd do some dancing dirtier compared to the almost traditional one the boy had performed on stage tonight. “But it can’t be helped since we get valuable contacts this way and I’m prepared to work my way up to the top.”

“I doubt he’ll ever let you be on top.” Jin shot back and Kame slowly turned around as he felt his outfit loosen around him.

“Are you okay?” Jin asked, gathering the two thin straps and putting them away.

“I’ve done this a few times before.” Kame replied and Jin didn't like the sound of that at all.

“To win over that last judge, who's in the audience tonight?” Jin guessed and Kame didn’t deny it. “You lied to me. You promised to stay away from him.”

Kame's eyes sharpened at that. “I kept my promise. I was not informed he was here tonight and either way the case is closed.”

“You set us up.” Jin accused. “You and Masa agreed on how to go around. You openly flirted with that judge, knowing I would step in. Then you let me believe I got you away from him while Masa kept him interested in you and took him here tonight so he could get his reward for taking your side. You danced your dance and now you’re leaving him up to the capable hands in this club.”

“You really should've seen this all coming.” Kame said.

“You're never going to dance like that in front of anyone else again.” Jin said sternly.

“Anyone else but you?” Kame guessed, instinctively wanting to pull back when Jin lift a hand to his hair and Kame felt his hair fall down around his neck, the longer strands reaching his shoulders.

“Are you okay?” Jin asked again and Kame was surprised Jin was so persistent about it.

“I’m fine.” he answered. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get changed.”

Unwillingly Jin stepped outside and waited. Kame came out some time later, dressed back into his suit he had worn in court, make-up washed off. Johnny’s men, who had stood down for now, were immediately there to escort Kame out, but Jin wouldn’t let the boy slip past him.

Kame and his two body guards made it outside and had almost reached the car parked outside the club when Jin attacked, knocking out the two body guards before making a move for Kame next.

“Don’t touch me.” Kame said, slipping free from the hold Jin almost got on his arm and the smaller boy turned to walk fast before setting to run, attempting to get away, even though Kame knew this escape would turn out to be as hopeless and pointless as the time he had tried to run away from Jin in prison. Just like then he had no chance of escaping, nowhere to run where Jin wouldn't find him, and as he took a wrong turn, ending up at dead end, he stopped.

He heard Jin also halt somewhere behind him and breathing out a sigh, he slowly turned around to face the leader standing a small distance from him.

“This is ridiculous.” Kame said. “You must be confusing the past with the present since you seem to think you still have some authority over what I do. You don’t get to decide for me anymore, so back off! Nothing you can say or do will change my mind anymore.”

Jin dared a step closer, seeing Kame stiffen, and he took another one. Kame was on the alert, eyes never leaving his and there was a warning look in them saying to stop, but Jin didn’t until he was right in front of the smaller boy.

“Tell me you weren’t behind the trap set for our senpais today.” Jin said.

Kame didn’t answer and tried to get past him, which was when Jin grabbed Kame’s wrist tightly and Kame winced painfully. The bruises he had gotten from the last time Jin had grabbed his wrist this hard had still not faded.

“Let go off me.” Kame demanded and Jin saw again the frustration and disappointment he had seen a lot in Kame lately, but this time the feeling was mutual.

“Tell me the truth.” Jin insisted, not complying.

“Yes.” Kame finally answered, not standing the pain anymore. “It was me.”

No matter how stern Kame tried to look there was a flash of something softer in his eyes as Jin just stared back at him, not wanting to believe his ears.

“Why?” Jin asked. “Why would you do something like that?”

“You mean capture thieves?” Kame said, though somehow it had come out with less impact than he had intended. “I’m going to do whatever Masa and Johnny ask me to do, just like I always did everything you wanted.”

“You’re going to continue to work for them?” Jin asked, baffled. “You set Johnny free and captured the senpais you were in prison with who-”

“Who threatened me?” Kame finished his sentence for him. “Who were responsible for getting me kicked out of my master’s cell and escaped causing a ruckus in which my master almost died.”

“You know it wasn’t that cut and dry.” Jin retorted.

“I know my brother begged your Goro-senpai for help when I was sent to prison, but he never did anything for me. He let me be used by you. If getting me kicked out of your cell was his idea of helping me, then he wasn’t very useful.” Kame replied.

“No matter what Masa's told you, you don’t belong with them. They'll be the end of you.” Jin said. “I’m begging you for the last time, please, talk to me. There is nothing I won’t do for you even if it means stopping you against your will.”

“Your only chance of stopping me was in Korea, but you didn’t take it.” Kame replied. “So let me go.”

Jin grabbed Kame’s wrist tighter, but this time above the bruised spot. “Why can't we talk things through? Why can't we have an open line?”

“Sure.” Kame replied, adding, “You first, master.”

“Why do you keep throwing that in my face?” Jin asked, unintentionally locking his hand even tighter around Kame's wrist. Kame acted so frustrated with him all the time and kept saying those things. Didn't Kame know what it did to him to hear it? He pushed all those thoughts into the back of his head, where he had kept their past buried for the longest time, and spoke stubbornly, “Talk to me. Why are you working for Masa and Johnny? What have you been doing for a year? And why do you want to hurt us?”

Kame was just as stubborn as him. “I’ve told you, I don't have anything to say to you.”

“You don't understand.” Jin insisted. “If you don't talk then even I won't be able to protect you for very long. The others will want answers and if you won't give them some and if you continue to side with Johnny, they'll become your enemies. It's already happening.”

“I know where I'm standing.” Kame replied.

“You don't know Johnny, trust me. I've watched him for years, I know him. And I saw how he looked at you in the club tonight. He's going to ask for more than what you’re already giving him and if you refuse he'll throw you aside - and that is only in the best case scenario.” Jin warned, not wanting to see Kame get hurt. “You'll end up caught between him and us with no allies.”

That's pretty much how Kame had felt most of the time already. Even when Jin had accepted him into the gangster blocks, he had lost his life on the outside, which was so easily manipulated by Johnny. It had been seen in how Masa had given him the chance to go to Todai. He should've known right away that even though at first sight there seemed to be no harm in him attending, he was making a grave mistake in doing so because his family was so proud of the supposedly improvements he had made in his life after coming back from prison. He hadn’t realized he had given Masa an opportunity to get under his skin, which the detective had used against him when telling his family of his status in prison. Quitting school and taking off with gangsters had also cut him off from his family and they had worried for him and he had let them down again. Even though they hadn’t said so, Kame knew they had just been waiting for him to end back in prison and ruin his life even more. It seemed if he chose a life with Jin then Johnny would make him miserable through his family and if he chose a life with Johnny, the Johnnys would make him miserable. He had had to choose a side, but in a way the choice had been made for him.

“Don't make enemies with us.” Jin pleaded. “Come with me and sort this whole thing out.”

“No.” Kame replied simply.

“Then at least tell me why!” Jin practically exploded, at the end of his patience. “Give me a chance to explain to them why they should not come after you!”

“Let them come.” Kame replied and Jin stared at him in disbelief. “I'm not the one standing in between two great powers. You are. My suggestion is you move to either side. The smart choice for you would be to take theirs, because even if you did join us we'd betray you in the end.”

“Why?” Jin asked, but as Kame didn't answer, Jin shot more question at him. “Why are you doing this? What happened in Korea? How could you just walk away like that and join Johnny? What's wrong with you? What are you planning? No matter what I do, it's never enough! Is it my fault you're doing this? What made you turn your backs at us?”

“Don't ask so many questions I can't answer!” Kame cut him off and Jin just returned his gaze for a moment in silence.

“Then let me ask you this. Do you still love me?” Jin asked, having to add, “Was it me you were thinking about up on that stage tonight?”

He wanted to be the only source Kame would ever look like that, because so far Kame had only looked like that under him.

Kame took a step forwards, appearing less aggravated now. “You wanna know what I was thinking about?”

Jin didn't think that question needed an answer and Kame must've thought the same about his question, as instead of answering this time either, the boy tiptoed and met his lips. It wasn't like Jin didn't have any questions left to ask, he just didn't remember them at the moment and so he wrapped his free arm around Kame, slowly loosening his grip on the boy's wrist.

As expected Kame seized the opportunity to get free, thinking he would catch Jin off guard, but this time Jin was ready for anything and was eager to show Kame, he could use his own weaknesses to his advantage. When Kame made his move, attempting to get out of his half-embrace, he was already waiting for Kame to escape in the only direction the boy could. Fortunately for him, Kame's only escape route was cut off pretty fast by the hard wall of one of the buildings surrounding them and so all he had to do was press the boy, already heading in the right direction, against the waiting wall.

This time Kame was clearly the one taken aback and didn't even realize what had happened to him before Jin was already continuing on the kiss that hadn't broken for very long, but it didn't last very long either as Jin suddenly felt himself be pushed back equally hard.

He stumbled backwards, regaining his foothold.

“How dare you?!” the smaller boy said, looking all flustered and touching his swollen lips.

Jin re-closed the space before Kame would make a run for it, though something about the boy made Jin think Kame wanted to stay and challenge him more.

“You should know I have the guts to do that and more.” he said, laying a hand on the side of Kame that was in the direction of the only way out of the alley.

“Yes, I do know, you bastard!” Kame said, aiming to punch him, but Jin blocked the attack.

“Cute, but you ought to know better than to use someone’s own moves against him.” Jin said, holding his fist tightly and twisting it only slightly he had Kame's body locked against his and he was free to seal his lips on the ones breathing hot air against his. He ignored whatever Kame was cursing into his mouth. No matter how much Kame resisted, the boy couldn't help also answering his kiss.

He made sure to have Kame's hand still locked as he finally released Kame's lips. The boy's cheeks were still red and his breathing heavy. Jin expected to be told off, maybe hear a master related comeback again, but no matter how prepared he was for whatever Kame would do, Kame still caught him off guard as the boy fisted his free hand in the front of Jin's shirt and to Jin’s surprise he found himself be the one pushed against the wall.

Jin had never expected Kame to one day rise up and want to challenge him like this, scheming together with their enemy and taking him head on both verbally and physically, but the boy had always had this side hidden somewhere deep under the role of his boy toy. When he had first met Kame the boy had put up an admirable fight before admitting defeat to him. Lately it had even begun to feel that Kame was seeking for his acknowledgement as an equal on so many levels that had been Jin’s alone and Jin wondered if he had gone too far in protecting Kame as if the boy was still just his toy. He had underestimated Kame countless of times. Maybe Kame had secretly always yearned to once again stand up to him after burying it inside of him when admitting defeat to Jin and submitted to his role.

Jin wouldn't admit that Kame had him trapped against the wall for a short moment until he regained from the surprise attack, taking control over their kiss and turning the tables on Kame and forcing the boy back against the wall. Though he had an itching feeling Kame hadn't resisted much this time.

He stopped trying to control Kame's hand and released it and to his delight it folded behind his neck. On some conscious level he knew he should be using the much improved mood to interrogate Kame, but it seemed his body was moving on its own accord. His hands found Kame's hips, bringing them closer to his own, and Kame moaned into his mouth. He had learned from their last encounter in the public bathroom that it was best not to say something. Besides Kame would turn back to his side if this kept up. He was a better interrogator in bed and he didn't even need words then.

“I'm not going to sleep with you.” Kame assured in between kisses, but Jin wasn't so convinced. “No matter what you say, no matter what promises you make, I won't believe you.”

“You're the one betraying us now.” Jin replied, not realizing that he should have continued keeping his mouth occupied with Kame’s instead of starting a debate. “You deceived me.”

Kame pulled his head away from Jin's reach. “You've toyed with me since we met! You made me into your sex slave!”

Jin refused to remind Kame that he had sunk as low as to play Kame's pet and by his standards that was the more humiliating. Instead he said, “You turned me into a fool by making me fall in love with you! You took the fun out of one-night stands and games!”

“That's not my fault!” Kame insisted. “You can sleep with others all you want!”

“I just said I don't want to anymore!” Jin argued. “And that is your fault!”

“Then you should've come to me when I waited for you for a year!” Kame said and the comment made Jin pause, not knowing what to reply, and before he could say something more Kame did. “God, I’ve missed you!” the boy said, lips finding Jin's again and there certainly was a taste of longing in those kisses. “This is insane. I told you I find no way for us to... Not after everything we’ve done to each other.”

“Let’s call it even and forget about everything.” Jin suggested and at the moment Jin’s logic actually sounded plausible.

That was until Kame suddenly realized what he was doing as he made the mistake in opening his eyes and seeing Masa. Pushing Jin back he broke the kiss, forcing his way out of the tight embrace and putting a slight distance between them two. He had almost ruined it all. Why was it every time he saw Jin they ended up like this one way or another? Why couldn’t he control himself? He knew what was at stake.

“All done?” Masa asked and Kame didn’t meet his eyes, but Jin sure did. The detective didn’t seem too bothered now either to have caught them alone together. Just what was the man holding Kame with? How could Masa be so sure Kame wouldn’t betray him and turn back to them with all the information about Johnny that Kame must have by now?

“Let’s leave.” Kame mumbled, but wasn’t allowed to go anywhere as Jin grabbed his other wrist the one Jin hadn't managed to bruise yet.

“You’re staying.” Jin insisted, looking at Masa then. “And you’re leaving.”

“Not without my kouhai.” Masa stated and Jin forced Kame behind him, keeping a death grip on his wrist that threatened to give Kame more bruises.

“He is not yours in any way! He is mine and you’re not taking him from me!” the leader gritted out between his teeth. “Whatever you and your damn boss are threatening Kame with, I’m not letting you have him! I don’t care what kind of fucked up deals I have to make with you to gain his freedom.”

“We aren’t interested in making any deals with you and Kame is free to walk away whenever he wants to. We’re not threatening him.” Masa sighed. “He’s with us because he wants to gain something. It’s called business.”

“And that's called bullshit.” Jin countered. “No one walks away from Johnny once he gets a hold on you.”

“True that.” Masa admitted.

“Jin, let me go.” Kame said from behind him.

“Shut up.” Jin replied, sending a quick look over his shoulder.

“You don’t want any trouble, Akanishi. We’re in our corners and our cops are only a small distance away.” Masa said and Jin met his eyes with anger.

“Let go off me.” Kame insisted, managing to slip out of his grip and started to walk over to the detective in fast steps.

“Don’t go with him!” Jin called after him, chasing both Kame and the detective back to the car, where Masa's backup tried to cut off his path.

“Akanishi! There you were!” the gangsters said, coming out of the club and hurrying to jump between Jin and the guards.

“Akanishi, this is not the time or the place.” Yamapi and Ryo insisted, grabbing their friend roughly.

“Come back with me.” Jin said, ignoring everyone but Kame, who stopped by the open door of the car still parked outside the club. Although the glass was darkened, he could still make out a shape sitting inside, waiting for Masa and Kame. “Don’t do this. It’s enough. I know you don’t want to go through with this so just come back with me. I’ll make it alright.”

“Stop it.” Kame said, not looking at him.

“I know you love me!” Jin insisted. “You still wear my ring!”

At that Kame finally met his eyes again, determination in them.

“I wear this ring with the promise I will prosecute you one day and make you pay for everything you did to me and to the others before me.” Kame said. “I’ve warned you. If you cross my path I will put you back in jail. Escape while you still have the chance.”

“I don’t believe you.” Jin replied.

“I’d advice you not to test me.” Kame said and was about to take a seat in the car, but Jin wouldn’t give up so easily.

“Go on, call the cops then!” Jin shouted after him, testing him despite the warning.

“Akanishi, come on, let’s go.” Ryo said, but Jin wouldn't even budge into the direction the Osaka gangster was trying to pull him.

“Tell them I’m here! Just do it!” Jin continued, as if he wasn’t even aware of the arms tugging him. “You won’t do it anyway.”

“Jin, enough.” Yamapi said, but his warning was also ignored.

“You’ve been pushing me away for a reason and I know it’s not what you tell me it is, so just you try and see if you can do it!” Jin said. “I won’t go anywhere! Have them come here and arrest me.”

For a moment Kame just returned Jin's look.

“You disappoint me.” the boy said then, bending into the car and picked out the car radio. “Yes, hello? I’d like backup to Johnny’s main club. It would seem we have gang leader Akanishi Jin and his gangster friends here.”

Jin couldn’t believe it as Kame hung up. “Happy now? It’s a shame though. I thought you’d last longer and be more of a challenge, but it doesn’t really matter since this was what I was aiming for from the beginning.”

The sound of sirens echoed through the night, advancing on them quickly.

Masa watched with great amusement the look upon his enemy's face for a second time that day.

“Jin, damn it! We’ve got to go! This is their blocks!” Ryo said and Jin's eyes never left Kame's even as the leader stopped resisting and the gangsters managed to drag him away. They just barely made it to their own blocks before police cars already arrived in Johnny Kitagawa's.

“Are you convinced now?” Yamapi lectured, as they were safe. “Kame-chan is not your toy anymore. He's not going to listen to you.”

Jin didn't listen to his best friend either. He brushed himself free without a word and slowly started to walk.

“Where are you going?” Yamapi shouted after him, but Jin didn't reply nor did he turn around. He just continued on his way until he disappeared into the blocks.


“Johnny was very pleased with our two victories today.” Masa said, as the detective returned from Johnny's office, shutting the door to his own. “He was very pleased with you, too.”

Kame wondered if it hadn't pleased his boss more seeing him on the stage tonight than winning the trial or capturing the senpai gangs. It seemed he was always more appreciated that way, no matter what he did, but at least Masa didn't think like that. Masa was probably the only one who thought more of him.

“Are you okay, Kame-chan?” Masa asked, stopping beside him, where he was standing, back against the wall and eyes on the floor, deep in thought.

He lifted his gaze to meet Masa's. “I'm fine.”

“You're relieved Akanishi didn't get caught just now, aren't you?” Masa said and Kame didn't need to reply, Masa already knew the answer. “Remember our aim is to arrest criminals and restore some justice, so you're still going to have to put him and the rest of his buddies away. Did you see how satisfied Johnny looked when you called the cops?”

Kame didn't reply this time either and their conversation was interrupted as Masa's phone rang.

“Shinozaki Masa.” the detective answered and was quiet for a while. “Oh, you're kidding me. That's wonderful news. We'll be right over.”

Kame eyed the man curiously as he hung up. “What is it?”

“There's been a walk in.” Masa replied. “By Akanishi Jin.”

next part

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