(no subject)

May 21, 2006 22:10

This weekend was an adventure of catastrophic proportions. Well, Friday was, Saturday and today weren't bad. Friday I had work and then I had to pick up my mother from the airport. After that I was on my way to Orlando for the CATS! banquet. I had my father's car which has close to a quarter of a million miles on it. Well, I've gotten to I-4, just got onto it in Daytona when the car starts making a loud knock, I pull over and get out. I put a quart of oil in and then drop the cap into the engine bay where I cannot reach it. A Road Ranger comes by and then he helps me get it out, I try to start the car then the engine locks up, and then I know the night is going to suck cheetah. I call AAA and they say a truck will be there shortly. To entertain myself in this few minutes of waiting I get out a golf club and start practicing my swing, the best part of my night. The truck gets there and I have the car towed to my place in Jax. Now I am without a car in Jax which is not a pedistrian/non-car owner friendly city. The worst part has been not seeing everyone at the banquet. I was looking forward to that for two months and I really wanted to see Kimball for one last time.

I hope that this week goes well, I need to have a form of transportation soon.
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