Apr 13, 2005 13:10
Last night we watched a really depressing video in political science. It was about the oil peak and how fucked the US is because of our reliance on oil/natural gas. If we haven't already hit the oil peak we will before 2020 and then at that point we will never be able to get enough oil to keep up with demand. The supply will continue to go down and the price up and pretty soon only rich people will be able to afford gas. Then we will all have to find new jobs within walking distance of our houses and start growing our own food because no one will be able to afford for food to be trucked across the country. Plus everything we buy that is made in China will be no longer available because we're going to be fighting them for control over the oil supply. All those nice big houses in Temecula (or any other middle of butt fucking nowhere town) are going to end up being the ghetto. GM motors fucked us all over by making Americans believe that cars were necessary, all because they wanted to make money off cheap oil and now we are so set on our way of life that rather than address the problem we are going to ignore it for as long as possible and insist that things continue as they are now until the economy collapses. Yay, good times.