Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 14, 2010 22:58

Hi! I hope that the information I give you here helps you with your story writing, and I really do also hope that the writing topics I've given you are fun/interesting story possibilities that you could write. This is my first year doing yuletide because I only got on to the whole fandom scene I would guess two years ago so I will just give you a basic idea of what I generally read and then go in to details for each topic I put down.
Well, I prefer slash, but I also do like a lot of het stories so if you don't want to write slash don't I'm perfectly fine with that. I like when my stories jump right in to the action or tell me what's going on right off the bat, excess at the beginning that adds nothing to the plot bores me easily because sadly I'm not a patient person. I wouldn't mind a long story but don't do anything crazy trying to write a novel I'm fine with the minimum of 1,000 words or more if you would feel comfortable doing that. And finally I like fluff stories or ones that are on the happier side of the spectrum. And please if you don't mind not a lot of mature/explicit scenes I don't mind them integrated in the story, but I flat out don't want to just read pure smut. Also I really like the stories better in third person, but I can live with first person if you like writing that better, but please no second person I find that very confusing to read.

True Blood
Slash: I would really, really like Eric/Godric if you do choose to write in this fandom because I've had a hard time finding any good fanfic for this ship. Fluff, or possibly something from the episode 'I will rise up' from season 2 about when Godric dies.
Het: Eric/Sookie If you choose this one, surprise me, I'm really cool with anything for this ship.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Here I wouldn't mind general, maybe just a glimpse in to their daily lives or whatever you would think would work, feel free to integrate any other characters in to this but I would prefer if the focus stayed on the main four I brought up.
I would also like maybe some shipping in here, even if its just hints, so maybe some Sarah/Derek or very, very light John/Cameron or more in to John and Cameron as friends.

Tamora Pierce - Tortall
If you choose this I would prefer het, but again do what you wish. I was thinking maybe a bit in to George/Alanna as a relationship, like maybe a missing scene from the books or after the series has ended. Or Jonathan/Alanna what if she had married him when he had offered in the third book what would their lives be like. And please mention George or Jonathan even if they aren't the main ship of the story. Again Feel free to integrate in other characters but keep these ones the main focus.

Thank you very much for writing a rare ship for me this Yuletide, I sure whatever you do with it, it will be great


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