Title: I Am Missing You
Pairing: slight!Sichul, hint!Hanchul
Genre: Friendship/Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: ...contrary to the night sky, Heechul was feeling a little lackluster
Disclaimer: Owns nothing but the story. /cries
paradigm_twist A/N: Random word generator prompted me with “Midnight”, so yeah, this was born. This is also my very first fanfic. Comments are definitely loved. ♥ Special thanks to
paradigm_twist who insisted that I start fanfic-writing with her. :) Thank you for all the positive support and for simply believing in me. ♥
Has it really been a year…?
Kim Heechul let his gaze wandered out of the window of his room and found himself staring at the beautiful night view. The moon hanging high up in the sky looked rather serene, with little dots of gleaming stars scattered around, marking random trails all over the dark sky. If Heechul had to choose one word to describe the sky at that moment, it would be lively. But contrary to the night sky, Heechul was feeling a little lackluster.
He glanced at the clock hanging on his wall. 3am. He yawned. He felt his eyelids becoming heavier but he refused to let them fall. He and the members had the next two days off, free from all those hectic schedules and Heechul was definitely keen on spending more time for himself. After all, chances like these do not exactly come very often. Even if he was doing nothing except staring into blank space till the dead of the night, he felt that he was actually STILL doing something for himself.
His eyes automatically swept across the nightstand on which stood several framed photographs. His eyes fell onto one which held two figures, arms placed around each other’s shoulders, wide smiles plastered on their faces. Heechul thinks he might never find himself smiling as wide ever again.
Has it really been that long since he left? Heechul grimaced. He knew that he moved on. He had to. It was just not possible to give up on himself with so many people watching him, giving him the support he did not want but was still thankful for. Although he was now able to say Hangeng's name freely on his radio show without the urge to weep, he still felt a twinge of emptiness whenever he was in the dorm. Especially when he’s alone. A presence. A lost presence of someone special. Among all the members, Heechul felt it the most.
Just when he was getting lost in his own thoughts, he sneezed. Twice in a row. He knew a cold was on its way. Heck. Scratch that. He knew he was already sick. Elbows resting on his knees, he could feel the slight difference in temperature when he placed his hand on his forehead. His body was aching vaguely and he could sense the beginnings of pain gathering in his glabella; slowly spreading across his temples. He figured he was looking pretty pale too; since Leeteuk and Ryeowook have asked him several times during breakfast today whether he was feeling alright and was there any need for him to be drag to the doctor’s.
The weather outside was unpleasantly chilly and it reminded Heechul of how warm it was to have Hangeng with him. Hangeng was actually the one who had always kept an eye on him; making sure that he had his jacket on whenever the weather turned ballistically cold. Always making sure that he was feeling just right at all times. What really made an impression in Heechul’s mind was that, despite Hangeng’s unwillingness to take care of him, he was always smiling when he did it.
“HAAAAA-CHOOOOOOO-!” Another startling sneeze snapped Heechul out of his reverie.
He knew it was time for him to lie down, but he just wanted to sit in the chair; right where Hangeng used to sit whenever they had their usual late-night talks. Somehow, Heechul could still smell the lingering scent that was Hangeng even though he was pretty sure his nose was blocked.
Nights like this really made Heechul missed Hangeng to the point where he was almost in tears.
Heechul heard someone knocking on the door. Followed by the deep voice of a certain dongsaeng.
“Hyung, can I come in?”
Heechul recognized it instantly as Siwon’s and he heaved a sigh. Here comes the ahjumma of the family. Heechul didn’t feel like allowing the younger one in, particularly at this late hour. But he changed his mind. It would be better to have a companion on a night like this. He didn’t want to be alone. After wiping off that one tear that had managed to slip out, Heechul reached for the door.
“Hyung---“ Siwon stepped in, and saw a palm held out in front of his face.
“Hush, little horse. I wanna enjoy the night view. Join me.”
Siwon looked a little perplexed; probably because this was certainly not how the typical Heechul would have acted. But Siwon didn’t reject the older one’s request.
Siwon sat himself down on Heechul’s bed while Heechul continued staring out of the window. It was a sort of awkward silence because with the normally boisterous Heechul around, complete silence would be the very last thing one would get. Siwon already grasped the fact that something was wrong but could not really decide whether Heechul was just sick, or was simply missing someone or he was just having his usual sudden bad mood swings.
But Siwon quickly concluded it was the second reason when he caught Heechul’s occasion wandering gaze towards the photo of Hangeng and him. Siwon grinned. Just the right time to come knocking on Heechul’s door.
“Hyung,” Siwon finally broke the silence. “He called.”
Heechul’s eyes widened as Siwon pulled out his cellphone buried in his pocket.
“He said to make sure you have a look at this text from him.”
Heechul glanced nervously at Siwon’s cellphone.
"YAH You idiot. CELLPHONE. Just leave it on. Been trying to call you since yesterday. You’re defeating the purpose of having a damn cellphone. I know how irresponsible you are when it comes to your own health, especially during cold weathers. You'd never bother to take care of yourself. And now, with me gone, HA! I bet you’re coughing and suffering from a bloody running nose neh? BUSY LOOKING FOR TISSUES now. AM I RIGHT? HAHA I miss you. Call me when you see this message okay? <3”
Siwon couldn’t hold back his need to laugh as he watched Heechul read the text. “Hyung. You've gotta admit. It’s pretty sweet.”
Heechul’s mouth twitched upwards as he saw how Hangeng managed to swear in his text. He tried hard to suppress the sudden need to smile and succeeded. His trademark smirk appeared.
Just as Siwon was about to leave, Heechul stopped him. “Siwon?”
Siwon stopped in his tracks. “Yes, princess?”
“Can I borrow your phone to call Hangeng?”
Siwon wanted to burst out into laughter at how vulnerable Heechul was when it came to
anything related to Hangeng.
“Why can’t you use yours?” Siwon questioned.
Heechul rolled his eyes and replied, “Overseas phonecalls are superbly expensive.” As if it was something Siwon didn’t already know.
“So you’re expecting me to pay?”
Heechul blinked. “...WHY NOT?” So blunt. So straightforward. So Heechul that Siwon didn’t even bother to fight back anymore. He sighed and just handed over his cellphone.
Heechul beamed and pushed the taller one out the door. “Alrighty, lovely. Bye Bye now!”
As Siwon closed the door and walked away, he could hear Heechul’s raucous laughter as it slowly spread down the hallway bit by bit. Siwon silently chuckled, thinking of all the potentially dangerous things the other members would threaten to do to Heechul the next day when that dreadfully inconsiderate laughter of his had woken up every sleeping member, faster than Yesung on his late night philtrum-touching adventure.
A/N 2: Okayyyy. This came out worse than I thought. D: Fail fic. It’s messy. But thanks for reading. ILY ;A; ♥ And don’t ask me why Siwon’s in the dorm and was still up so late too. I have no idea. LOL
here for
paradigm_twist 's fanfic of the same prompt. It's her first fanfic as well and she rocks. Give her some support! :)