Jun 15, 2011 02:20
1) You get to change one current thing in the world for you child's future (be it finding the cure for cancer, ending a particular war, a new technology etc etc etc). Which would it be?
If I could change one thing for Annabelle... You know it's so hard trying to chose one thing. She's only three months old but I want so much better for her than I have. I'm not saying my parents did a bad job or anything, I have an inkling its natural to feel this way.
At this point in time tho, I think my number one want for her is that America's economy turns around. To do better for her, I need a better job. However, with the economy so sucky it's been difficult trying to find something. My job right now doesn't even want to give me a raise or promote me, two things I have been promised since last September. But they are too worried about their money and know I have nothing better to go to so they will not fulfill those promises. If our economy starts to get better tho, I know I will be able to do so much more for her. And even tho they say money isn't everything, sometimes it is.
2) You're the trend-setter of the world. What fashion/entertainment//other trends do you start?
You know what would be an amazing trend? Girls wearing "revealing" clothes and not being deemed sluts.
3) Are there any books you've only read once, but still find awesome - and if so, why?
I only made it through the LotR books once and I know everyone says there's too much detail in them, but I think that's whats makes them beautiful. You can really feel yourself falling into the story and you become a part of it.
4) If you could change just one aspect of yourself, what would you change?
I wouldn't try to please people so much. Every day I feel like a failure because I have let someone I know down. Like today, I am awake at 2 in the morning because I have ended up horribly offending Annabelle's paternal grandparents. To the best of my knowledge, neither of them are religious so I did not invite them to her Baptism this Saturday. Her father isn't coming, no one on that side of the family is actually. So I thought I was doing the right thing. Nope! I am apparently trying to cut them out of her life. Because it is entirely up to me to make sure they get to visit with her. Even though they haven't called me up once to see her.
I just try to make everyone else happy all the time. I was in an amazing mood this evening. I went on a date with a nice guy and got to chill out and relax for a couple hours by myself and not worry about the baby. But not even an hour later it all comes crashing down and I have felt like shit for the last five hours.
5) What has traveling taught you about your own country?
Our public transportation system sucks. Last year I lived in a tiny town in Germany and their system was better than ours. Its so hard to get anywhere and even if you try to use the transit to help the economy it almost always ends up screwing you up the ass.