Things I could have said...

Jan 29, 2011 21:19

Oh, I'm soooo glad you took time out of your busy schedule to tell me I'm not in "appropriate medieval" costuming! It mus be so hard trying to get to every single one of the belly dancers and tell then that there not medieval either!

Wow! is this a new version of "what not to wear?" where's the tv cameras?

As a paying customer, I do believe that since I  A, made it through the door and registration process, and B, paid my admittance with no one "informing me" that I wasn't properly clothed, that I must have made it past the "inspection" and can now ignore you and carry on. Thank you for your feigned concern on historical accuracy at this event.

To be honest, I could have come in civvies. At least I dressed up. No where on your websight for this event, does it say "accurate costuming required" or even what time frame you wish people to dress as.

I don't care about your event, your little "tournaments" i don't care about your titles and who's fucking who. I'm here to see the vendors. Not play your silly games. Fuck off.

All of the above or a mix-match therein, i could have said. Instead I stood quietly as he rambled, nodded and said ok, turned to pat for the car keys and left to go sit in the car.

Had to get it all off my chest and out.

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