Have Survived Day With Coherency Intac- Okay, Maybe Not So Much.

Jul 17, 2007 21:05

'Tis Friday!! Somewhere, anyway. Possibly on another planet, but whatever. As I worked yesterday, I have tomorrow off and it is therefore like a Friday, yah?

Right. Just got up from nap. Probably sounds a lot funnier to me than it actually is. Disregard.

In more interesting news (I get to sleeeeep innnn tomorrow! *cheers*) to the population at large, the usual slew of ficathons are threaded through the fandoms, benefitting the masses by conning lots of fic writers into scratching our itches by producing tons of fic for our perusal. Life is grand, isn't it? Some itches I suddenly developed as ficathons have appeared:

You mean this hasn't already been done?? Oh, sweeet!! The appropriate nature of such a thing requires no explanation.

Because we've all sat around and transposed characters from our favorite show into the movie of our choice, and the drunker we got, the more cracked out the choices became. Yet still frighteningly logical. We have all done this, right? Right? Anyway, take the SG1 incarnation of your choice, add any of a bunch of movies for a prompt, shake, and voila! Some of fandom's favorite crack!
Not that I'm participating in this one or anything. And, err, not that the Dirty Dancing prompt is already taken - MINE GET YOUR GRUBBY PAWS OFF IT.

And, having tempted you with those shiny shiny pretties to come, recs to assuage your current itch. No, not that one. My god, what kind of girl do you think I am? Besides the obvious?

Checkmate Verse
by beadattitude
(SGA AU, John/Rodney, Multi-Part)
Link goes to beadattitude's memories where you can find them all. Seperis just recced it here in a full post about it, which is how I realized it had grown past the three parts I read at some point, and that makes me happpyyyy! Not to let the cat out of the bag - er, so to speak - but John is a... cat. One of those "Oops, now how did that happen?" things. Or more of a "You turn him back right now or no trading with you!" kinda thing, actually. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing and, oh my god, I love this fandom.

A Hand For Your Hand
by Princessofg
(SG1 AU, Jack/Daniel, NC-17, Totally over-the-top romance warning *g*)
Circa 1802, Mediterranean Sea, Captains Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill have done battle and it is Captain Jackson who has lost. Now whatever shall Captain O'Neill do with his prisoner? Something spectacularly filthy given the rating and the fact that princessofg does amazing AUs, naturally. Mmmm... pirate!Daniel...

by James
(Dr. Who, Nine/Jack/Rose, R)
The real question for the ages: Is it even possible for Captain Jack Harkness to not flirt with a sentient being? Any sentient being?? (To be fair, this is probably a pretty valid question of John Barrowman as well. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you.)

by odette-river
(Lots and Lots of Fandoms)
Including: SG-1, Farscape, Firefly, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, NCIS, Mythology/Folklore, Star Wars, Stock, Various Breadbox Editions, X-Men... With one of my favoritest types: text icons! Some brilliant stuff.

Right, now I seem to have some, uh, outlining to do if y'all will excuse me. *cough*

(For my reference, I've started a master list of my recs from June 2006.)

stargate.atlantis, doctor.who, john.barrowman, stargate.sg1, recs, icons

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