
Jul 13, 2017 16:17

Today's the kind of day that would be both better and worse if I were working for someone else. To be fair, that's true of most days, but this one is a little more evenly matched than the usual scale tip in favor of better self-employed. The weather has me in a serious case of brain fog and that completely saps my self-motivation skills, and going into the week without a specific schedule of things to accomplish hasn't helped (although they might just have been more things not getting accomplished, honestly). Being woke up between 4 and 6 am by pounding rain 3 days this week might also have something to do with it.

Fortunately, there's very little chance of rain for the next 7 days in the forecast, and tomorrow looks to be partly sunny, so that's a definite upswing. Today is full clouds after 10 in/25.4 cm of rain in the last 4 days: 5 in/12.7 cm the first half of Monday, 3 in/7.62 cm in 2-3 hours Wednesday, and almost another 2 in/5.08 cm in 2 hours this morning. Needless to say, we're a little waterlogged. Our property has been doing okay in terms of drainage at least, even with all the ditches* full and river up. The drainage tile we installed the last two years is paying off and the new raised beds are basically my favorite thing ever now.

*Shallow types and the ones deep enough to swallow an SUV because farm country in "former" swamp ground

Anyway, I didn't plan a lot for this week because I've worked a little ahead and wanted to use that cushion to catch-up on household chores and other random things while the weather was the inconvenient-for-work sort. Which means feeling guilty for not getting a lot accomplished is like feeling you frittered away a weekend reading when you'd planned to do spring cleaning; it's really not the end of the world, but I think I'm always discomfited by a drop in motivation, regardless of how often it happens. Gotta love social conditioning.

I have at least caught up on laundry, kept myself fed (D's been running on food we both contributed to last week and weekend, whereas I wanted to use some of what's coming out of the garden), and accomplished some low key volunteering and errands including Jack's annual check-up, so that's all something. Basically it's a brain squirrels situation where they're confused due to being atmospherically stoned. Or something. I have a half dozen tabs open of DW posts to comment on so if you get one of those, uh, hopefully they're coherent.

Don't I sound like exactly the kind of person that should be wielding sharp knives in the kitchen in a few hours? Tonight is Thai basil chicken (aka Gai Pad Krapow per The Woks of Life, which is the recipe I'm largely following, but using hand chopped chicken thighs and also jalapeños because I'm weak). This is the primary reason I'm growing so much Thai basil in the first place - I put in a few plants last year, made this dish, and fell absolutely in love. I've yet to see this type of basil available anywhere around me and I only sighted seedlings a couple of times in other areas of the state this past spring.

Ideally, I'll even have pictures to share tomorrow once the sun comes out. I mean, ideally I'd also have some recs and also clean the counters, scrub the other half the floor I started last week, etc., so we'll see how that goes but it could happen.

Crossposted to Dreamwidth. Comment here or there. ♥ Blue :)
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