The Avengers/Captain America recs are randomly selected from fairly recent bookmarking that had recs already written. If you're looking for more, you can check out this link to my Pinboard for
Avengers fanworks tagged to be recced. There's also
the unread/unviewed Avengers fanworks.
.: Arrow :.
Bird School Selfie by
Frea_O [Felicity/Oliver, PG-13, 5.000 words] The team is given some much needed R&R while Oliver recovers from a near-fatal wound. When Sara invites them to stay at one of her safe houses, she doesn't realize how much that means letting them into her life.
Rec Notes: Lovely Sara POV.
.: Torchwood :.
Human Resources by
smilebackwards [Ianto/Lisa, PG-13, 1.760 words] Ianto was hired to Torchwood for his intuition.
Rec Notes: Really kind of amazing Ianto character fic set mostly pre-series, with a bit of his POV up to Cyberwoman. Wherein his primary job at Torchwood London is to remove problem memories and craft new ones in their place.
.: Avengers/Captain America :.
Paid in Advance by
tielan [Gen (ref. to Maria/Sam), PG, 1.661 words] Maria signed up to work for Stark Industries without ever asking about her salary.
Rec Notes: This is fantastic - Maria and Pepper teaming up on the way to running the world.
And We Are Finally Home by
springsoldier [Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 7.340 words] The Winter Soldier shows up in Sam's kitchen, one morning. He deals with it. (Natasha helps. Steve would, if they let him.)
Rec Notes: IT'S THE FIC I WANTED SOMEONE TO WRITE. Seriously, this is what I wanted to read only better because it goes on longer than what I had imagined and is exponentially more awesome. \o/
Let's Be Exposed and Unprotected by
torakowalski [Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 4.892 words] Bucky thinks sometimes that it’s kind of embarrassing that he’s a badass sniper turn super assassin, but his favourite position is missionary. He’s pretty sure he should be into getting fucked through the floor while walls explode around him like in that Mr and Mrs Smith movie that Clint loves. But he likes it like this. He likes being on his back with Steve looming above him, big and naked, blocking out the rest of the world.
Rec Notes: Bucky wants to be held down during sex, which Steve is super leery of but is reluctantly willing to try. (He does start to trigger/flashback, but he asks Steve to let go - who does so immediately - and they subsequently find something different that works.)
Take Some Hands and Get Used to It by
nightanddaze [Steve/Bucky/Peggy, NC-17, 7.254 words] Practice and supervision makes perfect.
Rec Notes: Oh my yes, that's porn.
Count the Cost by
cassiejamie [Gen, PG-13, 11.310 words] He looks blearily at the television hanging on the wall, the man on it talking about sacrifice and the heroes who gave everything they had to their country.
Rec Notes: Wow, this is 11.300 words of comfort post-script fic to the movie's hurt and I am totally okay with that. Just, really, really, okay with it. The long prompt boils down to the info on The Winter Soldier being among the released records and turning up fairly early after the helicarrier crash, whereupon the court of public opinion falls firmly on Bucky's side even as he's still stumbling around, nominally on the run. As he's running from town to town with no clear goal in mind, there's a hot line set-up for people to call with Bucky sightings as Steve tries to catch-up to him or at least get word that he's still in one piece. That's the first 3 chapters; the last 4 are the slow steps in his initial recovery.
Take a Deep Breath by
enjambament [Steve/Bucky, R, 12.202 words] Steve and Sam chase the Winter Soldier's trail of cold cases across Europe. Meanwhile, Bucky keeps an eye on their progress. As his memories return, he begins to find it harder and harder to sleep and there's only one person he can think to turn to. A lot of emotionally repressed bed-sharing ensues.
Rec Notes: Overall very good. There's one scene where the conversation is a bit too self-aware maybe, but that's being picky; it's an excellent read.
HYDRA Outs Cap by Anonymous [Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 5.101 words] (Paraphrased Prompt): Hydra manages to bug Steve's apartment and subsequently releases a sex tape of he and Bucky together. The public has a field day and, when the PR people want him to issue an apology, he gives a press conference in which "instead of apologizing he says he's a gay man who made love with his partner in the privacy of his own home and he's done nothing wrong, and anyone who says otherwise can go to hell. Cap out."
Rec Notes: My embarrassment squick survived and Steve telling everyone to go to hell was totally worth it. The line spacing is non-existent, but don't let that deter you as it's very well written from the steamy sex scene, to their initial reactions, to the team's support, to the press conference itself.
Run Until the Road Runs Out by
ignipes [Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 5.264 words] Sam's along for this ride because he's not about to let Steve Rogers go it alone, but Steve's not the only one who needs a friend.
Rec Notes: This is SUPER good - some of my favorite head canon for post-movie.
So Nice to Come Home To by
troublesteady [Steve/Bucky, PG, 1.832 words] Bucky comes back from a mission with a puppy in tow.
Rec Notes: Sappy Steve/Bucky where BUCKY GETS A PUPPY. \o/ This is very soothing for my battered and bleeding soul.
Feast by
rageprufrock [Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 3.824 words] Unrepentant girl!Steve and Bucky smut -- then and now.
Rec Notes: Hot, but, also, Bucky's POV? Priceless.
Cheer Up, Winter Soldier! by
katiecrenshaw [Gen, PG, Single image w/ 4 panels] I heard this was a cut ending to Winter Soldier
Rec Notes: This totally happened not long after the movie ended and you can't tell me otherwise.
Problem by
talitha78 [Steve/Bucky, PG, 3:23 minutes] Bucky Barnes is a goddamn problem.
Rec Notes: He really, really is. Especially his hips. Once you get past the eyes and the mouth. *head tilt* I will add a warning: remember that licking is bad for your screen.
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