When cranky, annoyed, frustrated, and generally in a bit of a strop, I recommend starting lunch with a large mug of hot cocoa if possible. Mine requires grass-fed milk, homemade hot cocoa mix, and still results in a little bit of a stomachache, but it makes a lot of things alllll better. At least temporarily.
Possibly very temporarily, but let's not quibble.
News! Stargatefan, the gen SG-1 and Atlantis archive, is relocating to the OTW's servers. You can check out the OTW's annoucement post
"Stargatefan has found a fully charged ZPM and is dialing up the ÅO3!" for more information about the upcoming move.
Quasi-fannish: Today io9 posted
10 Reasons Why Le Guin's Earthsea Books Can Still Change Your Life. There were a few items I side-eyed ("the Earthsea books take place in an archipelago, made up of hundreds of islands with cities and settlements on them, is helpful to those of us coast-dwellers who want to imagine our own futures."), but generally they made me want to read the books again. I realized a few years back that I'd largely forgotten their content, but I do remember enjoying them the first time around.
Now it's rainy and dreary outside, deepening dusk towards evening even earlier than the time shift can account for. The things I have to do are largely either outside and therefore being delayed or large enough projects I'm hesitant to delve into them. Well, most of them. Unfortunately, I can think of one chore that not only needs doing but can be done in such weather, so best to be after it. Sigh.
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