Avengers Recs!

Jul 03, 2013 11:24

For I Will Always Stoop to His Lure by
Length: 40.097 words
Fandom: Avengers
Rating: R
Relationship(s): Clint/Coulson
Summary: Barton has disappeared overnight and a large angry hawk is the only clue left behind. Phil and the rest of the Avengers are determined to do whatever it takes to get him back. Inspired by numerous fairy tales and folk tales.
Reccer's Notes: Long, brilliant, and wonderful. There's a (not so) merry chase, a time limit with significant consequences, and choices to be made.

Be Calm, Look Cute by
Length: 18.831 words
Fandom: Avengers
Rating: R
Relationship(s): Clint/Coulson
Summary: “It's a contingency plan in case of accidental teenagering,” says Stark.
Reccer's Notes: Sappy, heart tugging fic.

Dressed to Impress by
Length: 6.590 words
Fandom: Avengers
Rating: NC-17
Relationship(s): Steve/Tony
Summary: Tony Stark is not at all prepared for the sight of Steve Rogers in vintage military dress.
Reccer's Notes: As someone said on Pinboard: "OH MY FUCKING GOD". Yes, that.

Dust to Dust by
Length: 1.360 words
Fandom: Avengers
Rating: PG-13
Relationship(s): Clint/Natasha
Summary: The carnival stops for a stick of a lad, nothing but bones and bones are what he’s burying. Natasha doesn’t care what his story is. She’s not a goddamn fortune-teller. Clint is a farm boy that the carnival picks up and Natasha is one of the carnival’s dancers. Avengers/Carnivàle fusion.
Reccer's Notes: Mesmerizing. No knowledge of Carnivale is necessary (I googled it, but the information I gleaned didn't extend much beyond "surreal travelling carnival during the 1930's Dust Bowl era"). It's a fantastic character piece with a bleak but hopeful undertone that well suits the characters.

Crossposted to Dreamwidth where there are
comments. Comment here or there. ♥ Blue :)

avengers, recs

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