Merry 2013!

Jan 01, 2013 12:08

mementis finished the Recs-365 project and has posted a follow-up child project that everyone can participate in. I found a lot of good fics - some of which I turned around and recced to you guys - this year via Mementis, so if you're looking for something a bit longer to read (one of the self-imposed requirements was that it had to be 10,000+ words), the Rec: 365 tag is one to check out.

All in all, I read and recced 11,801,606 words this year (that's not a typo, either). Another 53 stories were still waiting to be recced as of yesterday (read more about that here) and still 197 more were bookmarked but (mostly) unread. I ended up reading in 64 fandoms. My head is spinning.

Holy moses. They weren't short recs, either - I have consistently been envious of impressed by them. ;P

As for me - well, it's day 1 of Pinboard clean-up, which will hopefully lead to more recs in the future, because cleaning up the files can only make it easier, right? Not to mention refreshing my memory. First up is the bookmarks actually tagged that they need their tags completed - 163 of them. :)

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