Very Random Fandom Observations

Nov 20, 2009 22:08

What has been rambling through my brain the past 24 hours or so.

So I was talking about the reading queue yesterday, eh? Well, there's the official queue, and then there's the stuff since the last tagging catch-up that's laying around in gReader or local bookmarks or whatever. Anyway, I was just thinking to myself that there's a number of Generation Kill fics (like, 10+ of 'em, mostly AUs, which is more than I've read in that entire fandom as yet), plus the Chekov-is-a-sparkly-vampire from the kink meme (STXI re-working of Twilight and it's really rather amusing but I'm somewhat hampered by not having seen movie or read more than three chapters), there's something about Sam and Dean and Spock (er, gen, which I really think is for the best there), there are flow charts, Fraser as a were-otter, male lactation (on second thought, I'm not even going there), sonic bananas, and really, who knows what else? All-in-all, I find the variety quite amusing.

There's something teasing around the edges of my brain about Kara (BSG) being a kind of instinctive genius, being able to see patterns - music, math, battle plans. People sometimes confuse her because, individually, they violate patterns, veer wildly around the status quo without ever settling into a trajectory. (Brought to you by Follow Me Into the Darkness by threezerotwo.)

This morning D was talking about the "new Lone Wolf movie" and was amused that it was apparently sold out everywhere according to the radio last night. I was all "...?" Three hours later, thanks to flist postings, I finally figured out he was talking about New Moon.

John Sheppard is... probably a psychopath. But he's the kind of psychopath that you set up house with and then get the fuck out of the way of when some idiot tries to break in. (See Evening on the Ground by hollywoodgrrl for a visual demonstration.)

Mmmmm, vids...

I always describe the Iron Man vid Let it Rock by misteranderson as a "hard driving, macho vid", which it is, but watching that again this evening has made me realize that it's something either entirely missing from that fandom or something I haven't run across - fics that capitalize on those aspect of movie, with more plot than romance. Preferably with a side of Tony/Pepper, because I'm contrary that way, but still. Anyone? Or is it all tied up in Marvel canon? I recognize that I and the greater part of fandom was spoiled by SGA (wherein writers learned advanced math and physics to write better fic), but I miss Tony's inherent genius (miniature arc reactor from spare parts in a cave!) rather than just Pepper's pov.

Speaking of SGA, I'm of the opinion that most every canon will disappoint you sooner or later. Due South with it's super shiny canon ending is the exception that springs to mind, and for Firefly I think it was just too short. But I miss the Lex and Clark dynamic of the first few seasons of SV, for example, so I'm mostly amused when someone is outraged over their show of choice suddenly going in a direction they disagree with. Understanding, yes, as it's practically a period of mourning (I mean - the end of BSG, which was well beyond a storytelling tragedy) but I'm still amused at the amount of surprise it usually engenders.

(Plus, for every post going "OMGHATESHOWNOW!" there's another post - usually directly following it on my friends page - going "OHWOWTHATWASAWESOME!!!" Which usually results in curious head tilt on my part, as if it will make more sense sideways.)

Lately (very lately) I've found myself reading smaller fandoms (only partway through the ST Big Bang offerings and I already need a break) - just small, not obscure, which is a distinction one must make round about Yuletide. Mainly I'm referring to The Fast and the Furious and Blood Ties. Blood Ties is small, but recent, whereas TFTF saw a lot of action when the first movie came out in 2001 and for a few years after. The fourth movie brought some resurgence (with the return of the Dom and Brian dynamic duo), so there's that, but the stuff I've been reading (assuming it hasn't moved or disappeared) was written primarily in 2004-ish, particularly the stuff by Maygra, Bone, and khaleesian. (It should be noted that Khal just finished up a long and excellent fic - Dark Days in Light City - this past spring.) I get more 404s clicking on links for Highlander fic, but HL is an older, more sprawling fandom, so that's not really a surprise. Still, I fret over disappearing fic - it's like having something stolen away.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now that it's actually been 24 hours that I've been "composing" this, yeah? I'll have more quality content someday. Soon-ish. Really.

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