Yesterday morning I spent near three hours walking a large flea market, then this morning I spent another two walking a much smaller one (repeatedly, with pups in tow this time). This, of course, was initiated by D, as he has an unholy passion for flea markets, garage sales, and orange 'Clearance' signs. I wouldn't be remarking upon it were it not for the facts that a) I'm still out of shape from winter, thanks, b) crazier than usual dreams had me up at 4:30 am, absolutely drenched in sweat, and c) I feel like whining. I don't mind being tired, I mind that I'm bloody well tired but if I go to sleep, I'll wake up at 10pm all fuzzy in the brain and not be able to sleep for hours, yet if I hold out, by 10pm I'll suddenly realize I'm wide awake and not be able to sleep for hours.
So I'm pretty much doomed to being tired and cranky despite the fact I have a ridiculous amount of free time. I find this annoying, thus the whining. On the other hand, the pups got baths last night after coming back from their run with mud caked halfway up their furry persons, so they are very clean and soft again. Always nice when you're sharing a bed with them.
I did start working on designing a layout for Dreamwidth, though, so I claim a minor accomplishment. Now I'm going to entertain myself (and hopefully you) by issuing forth some recs. Tally ho!
.: Merlin :.
All Arthur/Merlin
I'm Colorblind, Kid |
brbsoulnommingR [13.893 words]
I love the author's user name. But! User name is not why I'm reccing this story! This is a crack premise (it will forever be known as the "Arthur Gets Turned Into a Dog" fic) that has been brilliantly executed. Here, I'm going to break a streak of giving you actual reviews instead of just an excerpt and give you a, um, excerpt: In retrospect, it’s extremely lucky that Uther’s there at the time. (Whatever else becomes of what happened, Merlin will always remember it as one of the few times he’s been happy to be around Uther at all and the only time he’s ever been glad to have Uther present at a time involving magic.)
If you're like me, you just had to read it to find out how in the heck those two sentences and Arthur being turned into a dog actually a) related to each other and b) "It's good? Really?" *nods* Yes, really.
The More Things Change |
adelagiaPG [2.729 words]
I'm on a warm and fuzzy kick tonight! First there was Arthur gets turned into a dog and now we have Arthur severely incapacitated and bleeding to death! Strangely enough, I'm not even being sarcastic. Well, not about the warm and fuzzy part because Merlin has SAVED HIM- or, well, he's working on it, actually. Okay, he's keeping him from dying while he figures it out and that counts for something, right? Arthur would be more upset about the magic and the obvious lying if he weren't bleeding to death (along with associated, intermittent passing out), but as it stands he'll just have to yell at Merlin later. *haughty sniff*
Children Die of the Imagination |
commendacesPG [3.587 words]
Good news! No actual children die in this story! Or appear in said story at all, actually. I don't recognize the title reference but that's quite all right -- the fic is lyrical and beautiful and funny and even a little bit poignant. Arthur has become King and retrieved Excalibur from the lake (much to his own confusion) and is now lost in an enchanted forest with a reluctant Nimueh playing gatekeeper and serving as a guide of sorts. He's on a mission to fetch back Merlin from wherever he's gone and he's not easily turned aside.
The Distance Between |
leficadoPG-13 [2.707 words]
Begins at the beginning, or a beginning anyway, before they are any more than boys, and follows them through a bit here and there until they finally meet and beyond. Until Arthur discovers, and then spends time pondering what he's discovered. It's not gen, precisely, but nearly so.
The Smile, the Frown on Your Face |
lickingbeadsR* [4.134 words]
A series of scenes which begins towards the end of Gates of Avalon (why, yes, I am too lazy to look the episode number up -- it's the one with Sophia) and then proceeds forth. The best part, though, is watching Arthur realize that Merlin can wield magic (I love this trope) and then begin to understand what that really means.
*I've revised the rating from the author's NC-17 to R, and it's probably more accurate to say PG-13 unless I'm forgetting something.
The First and Last |
mclachlandPG-13 [2.937 words]
The "Arthur's Tree" fic! A sorceress had gifted Arthur's mother with a tree for her unborn child once upon a time, but things did not go as either woman would have wished. It is years before the widowed King has it torn from its roots to be cut and burned, but there is no less an absence for the loss, and Merlin seeks to fill the void left behind. A bittersweet tale that has its sweetness at the end and thus leaves the reader with a happy sigh (which is terribly important in these sorts of things).
(The notable lack of anything remotely NC-17 thus far is sheer coincidence, I swear! I'll make it up to you in other fandoms.)
.: Iron Man/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Crossover :.
Breaking the Shell |
serricoPG-13 [1.389 words]
This fic is too short! So consider this rec also a Public Service Announcement of a homeless plot bunny and me looking adorable and needy in a blatant bid for someone to run with the concept. We have here Tony Stark, as in Iron Man, meeting Cameron, as in a Terminator. Could you possibly find and/or design anything more perfect to get Tony's attention?? An incredibly advanced, über mysterious robot in a very pretty, take-no-prisoners package. Meeting up with her in full Iron Man costume means her specs are scrolling along the side of Tony's vision like really good porn. I know, I'm still amazed the fic is PG-13, too, but it really is -- now would someone please get cracking on expanding this scenario or something like it?! If you provide me with a link, then payment as your heart desires. Yes, I'm that easy.
(Wow, still lacking the NC-17. The last rec could even potentially rate as more explicit than the fic itself. *facepalm*)
.: Supernatural :.
Warning! Sam/Dean!
On Midsummer Nights I Dream of Winchesters |
deirdre-cNC-17 [13,800 words]
This fic is from waaaay back in the dark ages of the fandom (2006) for a fic exchange in which it was a response to the prompt "Anyone who can write an SPN fic in which Dean and Sam are cursed to speak in Elizabethan/Shakespearean speech for awhile can have my soul on a silver platter. Wincest/porn not required but a total bonus."
Deirdre-c won a soul and a bonus! A job well done for anyone! Here we have Sam and Dean investigating a haunted theatre but, as if the ghost in question were not enough, there is also Puck putting in an appearance and making things a wee bit more entertaining. I have a wildly inappropriate love for Puck now (as if I didn't before, but that's besides the point). There's a good story wrapped up in the situational comedy along with a grace note of angst. A most excellent tale for the telling!
(See? Pr0n. All better now.)
.: Stargate SG-1/Supernatural Crossover :.
Untitled Ficlet |
tenayaPG [640 words]
Er, this one isn't an official fic but more like a space filler in a Dreamwidth cross-posting test. But! It's 640 words of worth of amusement! Daniel, driving home from the mountain amidst a blizzard in the middle of the night, sees a car on the side of the road, apparently abandoned. Fortunately, he has fast reflexes and enough field time to keep from getting eaten by the werewolf the Winchester's are chasing. How can you not love that premise?? Or it may possibly be something about me but feel free to maintain my illusions of relative normalcy. (Also, now I really want Jack to come along behind him and run into the same situation.)
.: Stargate Atlantis :.
Where I Lay My Head (Extended Version) |
seperisNC-17 [4.198 words]
It's entirely possible that I just enjoy John in a state of physical distress. Fortunately I don't seem to be alone in this given the number of authors that happily torture him for my benefit. This is the extended version of the fic that was originally posted in
amireal's Nap Challenge, wherein jenn has kindly added on The Next Morning for our vicarious pleasure! The evening before is where we begin, just a couple of days (?) after the Genii have been forcibly routed from Atlantis and catastrophic storm damage barely diverted. In the aftermath, the Military Commander of Atlantis has been running on speed amidst the emergency management and now, whether he likes it or not, his system is crashing and crashing hard. This is Rodney taking care of John as it happens and as he finally, finally, gets to rest.
Oh, hey, look! It's a quarter after 10pm and I'M WIDE AWAKE! I'd be more annoyed but the reccing has made me chipper, so it kinda balances out. *wanders off*
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