
Aug 02, 2010 17:01

a habit formed in my earliest days of using email: not capitalising my sentences.
numerous other grammatical errors, and a tendency to write as i speak (to myself) but that is the most obvious.

this mattered less when emails were read text-only, displaying fairly large with serifs.
i find Courier type fonts easy to read without capitals, but most people on LJ don't use it to display (including me).
on lomohomes where i first started blogging the text was tiny and spaced out and i liked the way it looked.
but even i find my old emails a little hard to read sometimes.

as i've tended towards longer posts here, i sometimes try and remember to capitalise correctly and make paragraphs. several people (who i know read) are fastidious with their own writing, and i do worry that my sloppiness is off-putting. some times i worry more than others. anyway, here, if you answer this i may take more care, or worry less (depending on the results):



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