mini Badgemaker in the V&A shop - £6 Bandai Super Badge It! around £20 but seemingly unavailable... 25mm button badge machine - £133.50. Cutters on the same site £30-40.
Badgematic Button (25mm only) - shipped for £166 The Micro Assembler (25, 38 & 58mm die sets, with the full works) - £320 or i could just get someone else to make them: but i'd really like to make my own. seems to me there's a market missing between the plasticky, wont-last-long stuff, and the German-engineered, 500-badges-an-hour stuff. seems that's often the way with craft tools - anyone got any good sources? Lakeland used to sell some odd bits and pieces that were quite good - metal and 'serious' but for slow, labour-intensive hobbies, not industrial/commercial enterprises. They've stopped selling craft stuff though.