Jun 13, 2006 17:07
This is not a great semester. For some reason, I am not performing as well as I did the previous. Got back one of my exam results already... my overall was a credit, though I barely passed the exam. Lecturers should never hand out the major assignments before the start of a final. Well, cut the story short, we didn't do great on the group report, ain't really happy about it. Realised that getting a Distinction for Retail Marketing was mathematically impossible, and just gave up knowing that I already passed without the exam and I need at least 40 percent to secure the Credit now, which I did anyway.
It sucks to know that the past 2 semesters, I have started off well at the start, only to screw it up at the last lap. It happened to me for Brand Management, and it happened again for Retail Marketing. Sometimes I really hate group work. You know you put in a hell lot of effort for example, a presentation. Make it look all soo nice and dandy, only for incompetent group mates to screw up the presentation, reading their parts line by line causing a 20 minute overrun on a 20 minute presentation. And during the bloody group report, I did bring up a lot of things which I thought was potentially contradicting our whole business plan, just that I didn't push my cause further and do enough to convince the group to change......and true enough...my concerns were magnified by the lecturer, something which I could have prevented if I really wanted to. I guess it all boils down to who's the fittest. Towards the end of this semester, I kinda lost steam. I sorta gave up after receiving disappointing scores after disappointing scores. I must know how the Japs felt today, after losing the game to Australia 3-1 at the 84th minute onwards. They gave up. I gave up too.
And worse still, this unit Retail Marketing was taught by a really incompetent lecturer as well. She knows her stuff, she is knowledgeable but she can't teach. Seriously. But I am not all about just getting the results. I mean, I feel that if I don't get anything out of the unit, then you don't deserve the right to mark harshly. I have another unit called New Product Development. Now this guy is just a part time lecturer, but he teaches amazingly well. I didn't do great in his unit even from the start, just scoring mediocre marks throughout consistently. But I am much much happier attending his classes. Never in my life have I ticked off "Strongly Agree" so many times in a lecturer's assessement. (Geoff, you are so getting your bonus). He is a damn harsh marker, but I still feel happy. For his subject, it is already WAY mathematically impossible at the early stages to get a Distinction and I still need to work decently enough towards a Credit (read: cannot afford to fail the exam), but I know I got lots of info, knowledge and insight out of his subject. So if you are like him and you give out harsh marks, make sure you teach well and thus you will deserve the right to do so from the bottom of my heart.
Anyway, I hope the next semester would be a better one.