My friend Tricia of wrote this great post a few weeks ago about why people dress the way they do, and how she developed her personal style. Tricia and I have been internet friends for about seven years now, even though we've never met in person. One of the great things about the Internet is that I've managed to find a close community of women, many of whom have been with me through many stages of my life. It's sort of like having a cheerleading squad that follows me wherever I go.
Anyway, this post is about wardrobe and clothing and some of the ideas that
Tricia brought up in the original post. Now I'll talk about why I dress the way I do, and what I am drawn to.
For the past 7 or 8 years, my clothing has been dominated by function and low income. I have needed durable, functional clothing that can be used a lot. Since 1999, I've lived in eight different places- 2 big cities, one small town, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia, a mid-size city, and Jakarta. I have moved a lot, and have a very pared down wardrobe. I don't keep a lot with me every time I move. I have a few clothes that I can't bear to part with- namely a gorgeous lavender cheong sam, a woolen vest that I bought in Chile over 14 years ago but haven't worn in 10, and a few other things.
I hate shopping because it makes me feel inadequate. I used to stress over how much everything cost, and the amount of money I had. I'm getting better now.
Moving to various different climates really affected my wardrobe. I couldn't wear cords in Vancouver (too hot) and found that some of my jackets and shoes were completely useless in a temperate rainforest. At one point, all my summer skirts were down to my ankles, because they'd all been acquired so I could be comfortable and appropriate living and working in Indonesia, which is a traditional Muslim nation.
My clothing is rather uninspiring due to my current job and physical location. When it's cold, I just want to be as warm as possible. I don't like wearing skirts or dresses in winter, because I want to stay warm.
My job sometimes requires me to drive out to a farm or go into a pottery studio on the same day. As a result, I'll wear a t-shirt and jeans most days, along with Doc Marten boots. I started wearing Doc boots when I lived in Vancouver because they were good for walking and rain. They're also good for climbing into cow pens and walking around farms, which I do some days at my job.
People dress conservatively up here. T-shirt and jeans are normal for most people, unless they're in a professional occupation where they would wear dress clothes. Casual is the name of the day. Since my job is to try and make people comfortable, I can't afford to stand out too much. I want to look and be comfortable, just in case I have to lie down in a field to take a picture, but I still have to look presentable in case I walk into an office.
That said, this year I am trying to wear more colour, and am adding shirts with buttons and shirts other than t-shirts to my wardrobe. On days when I stay in town, I'll wear skirts to the office. I just bought a pair of casual black shoes to wear, so I've got some new shoes as well. I have some nice girly sandals, and I might slip those on a few times this year too.
Body issues- I am bottom heavy and have large legs and a large ass. I'm a bit of a mesomorph and can gain muscle pretty easily. I dress to minimize my bottom. No skinny jeans for me. I used to accentuate my waist, but my waist isn't as small as it used to be now that I am in my 30s. I've always felt good about my bust and collarbone and I love v-neck shirts as a result. I like that area of my body. I tend to wear looser bottoms and tighter tops, with heavier shoes for walking. I don't like high heels; I like something good and solid on my feet.
What I'm drawn to- I wear a lot of earth tones, and I love red more than any other colour. I am a bit scared by colour- I go into a store and I have no idea what colours look good with my skin tone. I know that I look fantastic in white, and pastels because of my olive skin. I also love chocolate browns and probably wear too much black. I'm going to try to wear more colour this summer.
I do love wearing t-shirts with slogans and weird sayings and will probably never fully conquer that love. Sorry, Stacey and Clinton.
What I'm drawn to and love- I love fashion inspired by old movies- Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde, Julie Christie's sweaters in Dr. Zhivago, 40s style dresses, Ali McGraw's clothes in "Love Story" almost anything that looks classically tailored. I love plaid, especially short plaid skirts. I love trench coats, and tall boots, and mary janes. I love to wear v-neck anything. I like my pants low-cut and I hate pants with pleats. I love cardigans, and sweaters with hoods and tweed, and anything that looks like it should be worn by a sexy librarian.
Big surprise- I love anything that has an Asian influence. Mandarin collars, cheong sams, gathered buttons etc.
People who know me in real life know that I love cleavage and probably check out boobs more than the average straight woman.
I love flirty little sundresses and just bought a pair of big sunglasses with rhinestones on them because they are hilarious. I've been trying to dress in a more feminine style when I get dressed up. I love pearl necklaces and black dresses with gloves. I like sexy when it's done with class, not trash.