2007 was a big year for me, mostly because I released my first book and moved. It wasn't an easy year, but in retrospect, there were a lot of amazing things that happened.
Take long bus ride and move to Grande Prairie
-start new job and move into house in Wembley
-I meet Dymphny, my fellow poet and friend
-My brother joins the military
-I write a story that appears in the Edmonton Sun
-I pay off two of my student loans and have health benefits for the first time
-I start tackling my depression and work on classes
-I am headhunted and asked to apply for a job at a national magazine in Winnipeg, which I am unable to do
-I reconnect with my friends James and Tanya from Saskatoon by running into them in Grande Prarie
-I am in a fairly serious car accident and flip my car, but escape unscathed
-My book arrives and I take pictures of it (ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR)
-GP Ink launches and I start writing a weekly column
-my parents read my book
-I do a story on intercultural adoption, which is one of my favourites stories that I did this year
-I join facebook
-I judge library short story contest
-My book is mentioned in magazines, and on CBC and starts getting press which is both exciting and terrifying
-I launch the book in Calgary, hang out with my good friend Heather and see my friends Ed, Sunni and their daughter Willow
-I get a good review
-I travel to Toronto for the launch and stay with Rachel
listersgirl and visit with
sarcasma and
starfishchick and Prosad. I have an awesome time
-My book is a top seller at Pages on Kensington in Calgary
-My book is reviewed in the Calgary Herald
-Jason and I have a bad fight and I move into town and have my own place after 4.5 years
-I interview Randy Bachman
-We hold the Grande Prairie book launch and have a fabulous dinner out in Hythe
-Dymphny and I go to Dawson Creek and attend Poetry Day
-My book is reviewed in the Star Phoenix
-my book proposal is rejected by Arsenal :(
-I attend a house concert and meet singer, songwriter Jennifer Berezan
-I go to an alpaca farm
-I go to Saskatoon to attend my friend Alex's wedding
- I see Ramona for the first time in 2 years
-During this,
farpotshket comes back to Canada, which makes me happy
-I get a mean review
-I interview a transgendered woman who lives in a cabin in the woods
-I start feeling my depression lift
I finish the first draft of my novel
-my friend Jesse visits me
-I enter a cage filled with 20,000 bees
-Harry Potter Seven is released and I read it
-I go to Poetry day on the top of Nose Mountain
-Ramona visits and we have a blast in the Peace Country
I start feeling more like a normal person, rather than a depressed one
-I get faux bangs
-I lay out the paper by myself
-Laura visits
-I complete the Oscar project (after 4 years) and begin the Great Movies project
-I turn 31, which is better than 30
-my friend Linda dies and I attend her funeral
-My friends Mark and Teresa have a baby
-I visit a bison farm
-I sign up for fusion and become a friend of the library
I start working on the Power of the Land and am taking two classes
-I go to Saskatoon for a very successful reading, and do a presentation at my high school
-Denys Arcand's movie premieres in Grande Prairie and I conduct interviews with CBC Montreal and write a story for the wire
-I attend the Writers GUild of Alberta conference where I do a presentation on online marketing for writers
-I reconnect with friends and meet some new writer friends
-Dymphny and I run some workshops at the Grande Prairie library
-I buy a lightbox
-I run three papers by myself
-I have supper at the mayor's house
-My coworker Kevin moves to Edmonton, which makes me sad
-My coworker Ian arrives
-I start writing poetry again
-I get sick for the end of the month
-I attend a bee conference
-I get accepted for my trip and find out that I'm going to the Philippines
We perform Power of the Land
-I chase a bull around the city
-I get my first royalty check and buy an MP3 player
-I stay sick for most of the month
-I start working on my bee project and write two grant proposals
-My novel is sent to an agent and rejected
I finish two classes, which brings my total to six classes this year
-I meet Imogen, James and Tanya's baby
-I attend a horrible Christmas party for work
-My coworker Scott gets a new job, which makes me horribly sad but happy for him
-I go home for Christmas and spend a lot of time with family and friends