1. I got a raise! I'm happy about this.
2. Today I got an excellent compliment from a source. He thanked me for my good stories of his industry, and said that he is pleased that I've taken time to learn about his issue and to really write stories about it. It was high praise, and I felt really good about it.
3. My day has been extremely busy. I had a meeting and went to a presentation about healthy eating and pulse (chickpea, lentil, bean) consumption in Canada. The presentation on beans was interesting. Apparently Canada's consumption of beans is very low, even though we grow them, and only 20 % of people eat them on a regular or monthly basis. I had incredible cravings for Indian food during the presentation and then had to go out for channa masala immediately following the presentation.
4. On Sunday, I taught my teen writing group. I brought my friend Trisia in to teach the kids about
chapbooks, since we're going to be making one for our end of the year project. The teens got really excited about self publishing and asked all kinds of neat questions. The workshop was a success and we got them excited for the chapbook that we'll be making, which is super cool.