I keep on getting really far behind on this.
1. THis will go down on your permanent record- Susannah Felts- A decent YA novel about a friendship. Not amazing, though.
2. Where we have to go by Lauren Kirshner- Some beautiful writing about a family trying to get by and surviving in 1980s Toronto. I liked the character's voice and the writing style and expect to see more from this author. Slow plot, but good. Great details.
3. Julie and Julia by Julie Powell- I found some parts of this interesting, but Julie Powell does tend to whine a lot. I liked the concept a lot too. I also realized that I find French cooking to be rather unappealing, but I'm a rice, fish and veggie person. I think I may have enjoyed the movie a bit more.
4. Not Yet by Wayson Choy- A rather beautiful meditation on two near death experiences. My favourite thing about this book was the revelation of how Wayson, a gay man who was told he would die alone, managed to create a family and community around him. Beautiful writing.
5. The Weekend Novelist- by Robert J. Ray- I found this book to be rather annoying. However, this writing approach might work for some, and I might even try it. But at some parts, it seemed a little redundant and repetitive to me.
6. Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro- An interesting concept and some beautiful writing, but I wasn't as grabbed by this as some people are. I'd read more of his stuff though.
7. My sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult- Jodi Picoult writes page turners where morals are questioned. Picked this one up at my friend's house and devoured it. I found the concept interesting. I think J. Picoult is a sloppy writer, but a master plotter. And I'm glad that they changed the ending in the movie, because this ending PISSED ME OFF.
8. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert- Somewhat interesting and I'm glad I read it, but I think I should re-read it when I'm not travelling.