I publicly DeClassified Myself after a lot of Videos of me in ACTION hit the internet…

Dec 26, 2023 05:14


#1) I’m recognisable in the PUBLIC TV ABC 1 Hour Documentary released immediately after 911 called “America’s Doomsday Plan.” If you manage the original 2001 or 1994 FEMA original documentary…I’m smack dab in the middle of the documentary giving a VIP Tour (& complaining about taking pictures to a News Crew) of Mount Weather The USAS Presidential Doomsday Bunker. I was assaulted in my home by an International Assassin & stabbed in the head shortly after the public video was aired. How do I know he was an International Assasin? I had authorised CIA to place video cameras in my home for security reasons. They said he was an International Assassin and I was lucky as hell (fought him tooth & nail) to have lived through his attack.

#2) I hope I am not recognizable in the London Gatwick Airport Video during a dramatic Suicide Attempt? But I am. I was dating the guy I am walking with who ditched me in the women’s restroom. I was CRAZY IN LOVE with General Trafalger? HE was being mocked by everyone he knew for being in a May to December romance with a dumb American. I am not really supposed to tell all yo foreigners about MY Real Life and I play LOSER really really well. Anyway, he ditched me unwilling to buck his English Peers to date… me. I was so in love with him….and crying when I realised I’d been DUMPED. I decided to Suicide by attacking a Custom’s Guard. Except it didn’t work out as expected. My USA NO RAD Military Combat “Bourne” Training kicked in & I decked TWO? machine Gun Carrying Custom’s Guard's before General Trafalger snuck up behind me & bopped me on the head! He started sobbing immediately afterwards thinking me dead. I wasn’t. I got sent to English Jail like “Clockwork Orange” & bailed out of Jail by CIA shortly afterwards. CIA told MI6 that I was WANTED in the USA. I’m NOT wanted in the USA which is WHY I got appointed AS STRATCOM. STRATCOM lost THREE EUROPEAN OFFICERS who were MURDERED in the USA by International Terrorists prior to this. I was recalled to the USA for my own safety & to keep me away from British Spengalis romancing women!

#3) I’m recognizable in a “poor white trash” online video throwing coke cans @ General Trafalger?’s pickup truck & shouting @ him like a hoodlum…FOR…Tailgating. I HATE Tailgaters! Yo want to get in an accident while driving? Tailgate. He grabbed me and planted a kiss on me “Gone with the wind style…not on the video. We made up “poor white trash” style…ya know McDonald’s restaurant meal followed by “desert.” He’s good in bed. And EVERYONE knows it because My House was video wired back then by CIA. Oppps. The AUDIO aversion of him and I in bed together got released in Church Sunday School in the Singles’ Class. Who does that? Oh yeah…The Baptists. We BOTH got publicly Slut-shamed. He told everyone we got married, I do not remember The Wedding??? But went along with his statement until proven otherwise. I lost my temper @ some point & started bitchin out all the “cold frigid sexless crones” in the singles group…”You WISH YOu were enjoying s3x as much as we were!” And I then threatened to SUE the Church for Wiretapping illegally…and NOW they refuse to talk to me at all…So…I’m back on LJ maybe?

4) I’m recogizable in an online video being attacked by FAKE Cops in a “Watcha gonna do when they come for Yo” Los Angeles Beach video. I am NOT the “Anna Delvy” being beaten up by those Cops in public on the beach. That Hollywood Actress was beaten up pretty badly & dragged off to jail w/ NO Charges. She DIED two days later in jail from what I was TOLD. Jamal Kashoigii hired the fake Cops to “rough us up” on a LAZY SUNDAY Afternoon sunbathing on a public L.A. Beach. I SAW them coming & recognised that there uniforms looked like Military Intelligence…whom I OUTRANK. I knew one thing when I saw them… IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO APPROACH ME IN THAT MANNER IN PUBLIC AS BASE COMMANDER OF CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN. I believed my life was in danger and it was and RAN. We had a 2-4 year old child with us whose life was saved because I TOLD HIM that a random older stranger was his Grandmother. He ran to his Grandmother and the woman kept him safe until, his Father located him about a year later. USA older people might all be Baptists but they’re mostly good with children. I used to beach run a lot while in LA and outran the fake Cops…circled back around them just in time to see them driving away in an unmarked Limo with the Actress they beat up. Yeah, all four of our lives were in danger. Military Police don’t use Limos either. Jamal Kashoigii had made some very public threats on MY LIFE, I did not expect him to murder a new popular Starlet I was friends with. We attempted to get her out of Riker’s. She was DEAD by FAKE COP before The CIA could bust her out. She looks like Angelina Jolie which meant back then she was going A-list. We found out later Jamal Kashoigii was wanted in The Russian federation & Saudi Arabia for Directing Snuff Flicks & selling them on the Black Market. He got hired in Hollywood for “Dark Matter” because he was a cheap Director. He murdered 4 people on set that I know of and likely others. I was wearing a LA Police wire when I walked in on him after? the beach incident cutting up DEAD BODIES. A known A-list blond Actress was one of the bodies and STILL MOVING when I walked in the back room of a mostly abandoned L.A. set. She was screaming but had no tongue or arms or legs but was still living. I started screaming & backed out of the room. I got out of the door before fainting. I thought for sure I was next but was rescued by the Delivery of everyone’s Lunch. Luck of the Irish!

5). Someone keeps putting up BAAD videos of me, a PRIVATE PERSON since I moved to the DC Area. When the Republicans came to town, a video of ME FAT in a WHITE SUIT disobeying The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Guard…..Whom I OUTRANK. That video is not so bad but makes me look stupid. It’s a REQUIREMENT when your USA Military rank reaches Lt. General that you publicly disobey various guards 💂. When I made Colonel, I was ORDERED to disobey a Beef Eater on Duty. WHY? I was considered by USA Military Joint Chief’s to be TOO Friendly with the English. *sad face* They also MADE ME a take a Class on “Swearing Like a Sailor LOUDLY.” Don’t get me started swearing loudly… I did in fact start shouting at USA Airport Security rather dramatically. 5ink for no reason? Wrong. Security Guard attempted to confiscate MY Strategic Air Command EMPTY SILVER Lighter given to me by The Joint Chief Chairman. It was issued to me when Strategic Air Command was disbanded. Anyone issued a lighter was retained to the new Command. No Lighter…bye…bye…see ya later…maybe never! It’s considered a Military HONOR like a Medal of Honor and ILLEGAL for TSA or anyone to confiscate under USA Law. I’ve had THREE Military Rank I insignia STOLEN by people who wish to impersonate USA Military for nefarious reasons. Impersonators always go after female Officers which is WHY the Pentagon doesn’t put up anyone female’s picture without MY FACE…so…Ex-President Trump had 5 lookalikes of ME @ his inauguration.

You may wonder WHY I DeClassified Myself? USA Enemies already got my name, number, face, and my family’s. My Brother was likely murdered October 2019. My Mother December 25, 2009. My Uncle October 2022. My Uncle was walking into the Grocery Store & got hit by a car which pinned him between two cars & squished him…like that old movie “Damian.” My FRIENDS a need to KNOW what MY ENEMIES KNOW to STAY SAFE. My husband who was murdered in LA along with at least three of his family members was the Grandson of King Stephan of Norway. King Stephan is the son of King Olav of Norway and looks just like his Baby Picture in Queen Elizabeth 2nd Commemorative Life Magazine we got in the States. He had 10+ bodyguards w/him & Jamal Kashoigii blackmailed the Man who assassinated him. Of course there’s more, but I need my sleep.

6) Videos keep creeping up of me unexpectedly and they’re ALWAYS intended to INJURE My Social Standing. I was raised to Princess of Norway 🇳🇴 because of my 1992 marriage to DYSON. We did not divorce, He was (legally) assassinated. Norway puts up old pictures of him from immediately after the assault on me because he was a handsome blond Norwegian Royal. Is he alive or dead? My eyes were swollen shut from crying @ his Funeral in Norway & I was too upset to look at his body. That Funeral happened in the 1990’s but it got re-aired when Prince Harry & Meagan married because she attended. I met her a few times friendly but was too grief stricken by my husband’s murder to be completely in the moment…

I didn’t authorise for my face to be used as a USA Military female Soldier overlay digitally. It’s a BAD Strategy. It is likely to get me and a number of women who look like me murdered. Give me a fucking break here. Yo think I want to be murdered because give mini me’s participated in his inauguration??? And in all of this, yo think a LIFE APPOINTMENT is worthless. I was TRAINED to for the STRATCOM Appointment like a 00 in Elementary School & up. I got identified as a valid replacement along with others and trained…USA Style. I didn’t have much choice even in joining the USA Airforce @ the point that I outscored other contenders repeatedly in testing. I was raised by a Psychiatrist. My face should NOT BE EVERYWHERE. That’s experimental social conditioning for crowds of people. & I am NOT supposed to get all pissed off because this or that Cop or random stranger thinks ai look familiar & assumes me the bad guy. The kind of videos being real eased of me by Traitors to the USA 🇺🇸 could be used for GOOd. But they aren’t positioned that way. So, I went belly dancing with some ethnic women I just met in DC and video of course is taken. That got released to a Republican Crowd but NOT to a Democrat Crowd where it would actually help me socially. The video realise in the USA looks to me like an underwire attempt at murdering me. It goes hand in hand with rumor statements along with the videos…stuff like telling a bunch of German Stazi still in action from WW2 that I’m Jewish. And then telling a bunch of Jewish Massad that I’m German “SS.” I should not be dodging friendly fire bullets but I have been. Two windows on my house have bullet holes in the windows. I think there is an assumption that I can be replaced like your average soldier. Cheyenne Mountain has Nukes. It’s easier to replace a Supreme Court Justice. And I spent 1/2 my ch8dhood learning good psychiatric habits & the friendly fire 🔥 makes me INSANE….like…I’m Skynet gone bad! I need my sleep. Goodnight.

outing myself

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