(no subject)

Apr 07, 2017 15:49

In bed with a heating pad taking more pain pills. Being stabbed with a "stake" has longterm consequences.

What's my take on the intruder/perp and who was he?

I think he had to be psychotic to do that stuff. I contacted the Cops looking for old police reports & trying to discover how I go about researching what happened afterwards. I have a lot of memory gaps afterwards and trouble speaking. He tried to stab me with the tip of the knife in the head a few times and hit my skull. The only place that I remember entered soft tissue was apparently the brain area that controls muscle movement to your mouth. My immediate memories a month to a year later are of having intermittent difficulty speaking. Everyone talks around you and about you like you can't hear them. My eyes are closed in those memories. Was I in a coma? Was I dead?
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