I decided to upload a few more pictures onto Photobucket... only to discover that I can't find my account! Every time, I go to photobucket I get a BETA site for it. My account does not show up on the beta site. Don't know if these two pictures show up to anyone or not? Please advise.
http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee290/blue_lory/The%20Baby%20and%20Me/IMG_0505_2.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee290/blue_lory/The%20Baby%20and%20Me/DSC_0087copy.jpg I've had trouble with my pictures being "altered" since a couple of years ago after visiting Mount Vernon...the pictures I took there looked altered. The 2nd time I noticed this was after accidentally running into Prince Harry of Wales in California.
I lightened the 1st photo of me holding the baby a few years ago in the hospital since it was taken without a flash. Any other alterations are not my doing.
I attempted to download a video onto Facebook that I had successfully downloaded onto Photobucket. After a couple of attempts the video never appeared on Facebook.
I am posting this publically because I don't know what this is about, but I think Swandog may be right about being more public.