Waging War on Women and Children and Mexican look-a-likes... cont'd...

Feb 01, 2013 14:51

So, I'm ANGRY.

The DC area treats it's Doctor's, even the ones working for the Government, like 2nd class slave citizens! ANYONE WONDER WHY the 'Zac?' Character on 'Bones' goes INSANE and joins the cannibalistic serial killers in their rampage of the DC environs???? Well, after living HERE I can TELL YOU EXACTLY WHY HE DID THAT. Here is a guy with an IQ above 180, probably in the 200 range, highly edjucated and with the Math abilities of a Nobel Prize Winner... and the FBI treats him a bit like a Liberal Arts Intern. ANY OTHER CITY in the USA and this guy would be commanding 3 times the pay and treated with KID GlOVES. "You need coffee Dr. Zac? Can I get you a better leather covered chair, a better view and a new car? How 'bout a beanbag chair for your 'Thinking room' and some colorful stress-reliever toys to unwind while you're SOLVING our our crimes for us????"

Instead he gets a lot of mean jokes flung at him about being socially challenged (he acts a bit Aspergers) and called a 'SQUINT' by the TV FBI's mid-level agents. You know the ones... they used to whine at you in high school about how the teacher caught them cheating on their Math exam... and whine about how all the homework the teacher assigns interfere's with Football practice... the one's that miraculously pass Math despite 5 failed tests and a 0 for cheating.

I was thinking about that character. I was a bit baffled by the bizarre turn of events that put him in prison. I thought... Must be Hollywood plot writers. Then I had the misreable misfortune of moving here. After living here a couple of years I know EXACTLY WHAT happened to ZAK to TURN him into a crazed killer.

Lance Armstrong KNOWS too! WHO EVER HEARD OF SUBJECTING law-abiding-productive-never-in-trouble citizens to ongoing REPEATED invasive investigations? THERE CALLED WITCH-HUNTS. And DC is FAMOUS for them! Anybody remember the Physicist who stuck to his INTEGRITY and said 'There are NO Weapon's of Mass Destruction in Iraq!' when the ENTIRE Republican Party and half the Democrats wanted a War in Iraq??? He got "Investigated" by the CIA, the FBI and probably every other security agency and private citizen's group in DC until he supposedly killed himself. I'm not sure I believe he killed himself. But maybe he did... after all they completely trashed his reputation and life publically. I imagine he could not go anywhere around DC with out getting spit on, or harassed shopping. His oldest son probably got arrested after being fed date-rape drugs by the TSA like Senator Rand Paul's son! Anyone ELSE think the TSA's harassment of the Paul family is above and beyond the call of duty??? I seem to recall the TSA is suppose to FIND terrorists NOT SENATOR's SONs and PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE's GRANDSONs. **Just a note about his 'gay' reported public sex trist at the airport... THAT's about how DATE-RAPE DRUGS make people act. I'm curious if he consumed ANY airport food?** I liked Ron Paul, that's WEIRD 'cause I like President Obama too.

Anybody, ask Lance Armstrong's friends WHY it took them SOOOO long to 'OUT' Lance? Was it a three or four year investigation. I'll tell you WHY they turned on Lance... because some 'Lance Hater' started threatening there families. Lance IS SMART, he's SMART enough to write a confession AFTER BEING TORTURED and threatened with DEATH to keep from being MURDERED. You BELIEVE his supposed CONFESSION??? And which part of Witch-hunt do you NOT understand? Is it the part where you're a WITCH if you LIVE through the torture... at which point you are put to death... or the PART where you're ONLY proven INNOCENT if you DIE??? I guess we ALL KNOW NOW that the Physicist was innocent of any crime even lying... after all he DIED to DEFEND his reputation.

I AM STILL rather confused about WHY the Physicist was under investigation in the 1st place??? I mean since WHEN did the FBI, CIA, Military Police, Secret Service and whomever else investigated this HONEST MAN BECOME the PRIVATE PERSONAL Police force of ANY CITIZEN OR PARTY?? LET ME BE VERY CLEAR... BY THE LAWS THAT GOVERN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT UPHOLDS THOSE LAWS... WHAT WAS DONE TO THAT MAN AMOUNTS TO TREASON. T R E A S O N.

The President of the United States and the Supreme Court MAY NOT be prosecutable for this ACT of TREASON against the United States People but THEY CAN BE IMPEACHED.

EVERY OATH OF OFFICE contains the OATH to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AND for my FOREIGN friends who WISH it was not so, the BILL of RIGHTS is a PART of the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That includes the 2nd AMENDMENT the RIGHT of PRIVATE CITIZENS to KEEP and BEAR ARMS. For my Foreign friends who are unaware of the wording and history of the 2nd Amendment... IT IS EXPLICITLY STATED that BEARING ARMS and the 2nd AMENDMENT is NOT about SAFE HUNTING PRACTICES or SAFETY AT HOME. It's about giving PRIVATE CITIZENS the ability to OVERTHROW the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT, If the Federal Government dissolves into Tyranny or is TAKEN OVER BY FOREIGN FORCES.

A BUNCH of my American Friends WANT REPUBLICAN's in OFFICE HERE... but KEEP in MIND the Republican's gave us the TSA and a BiLLION DOLLAR AIRPORT STRIP-SEARCH MACHINES to ENRICH THEMSELVES. SECURITY, MY BIG OLE FAT ASS. TRY LUCRATIVE GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR, AND SUB-SUB-CONTRACTOR living the HIGH LIFE in near POVERTY STRICKEN REPUBLICAN STATES. They don't TELL YOU about the PEOPLE in TEXAS who go without BASIC neccesities like DENTAL WORK because ALL THOSE RICH RICH RICH TEXAS COMPANIES don't want to pay UNEMPLOYMENT, or HEALTH INSURANCE and would rather hire ILLEGAL immigrants who are too scared of deportation to complain. What BAFFLE's me is how SMART people can be so DELUDED into thinking that a REPUBLICAN is going to get you a JOB OR PROTECT YOUR FAMILY in the event you are JOBLESS!

I don't AGREE with the Democrat's ATTACK of SOME CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTs. BUT I'm BAFFLED as to WHY the REPUBS THINK they're working for KIND and BENEVOLENT COMPANIES that ONLY want the best for the poor workers of AMERICA??? I'VE SEEN the HOUSES of some of those REPUB COMPANY LEADERS, and they aren't giving that money they're making off your property to the landowners or the farmers. YOU'd think the WORKING person would have learned the lesson of GREED from ENRON.
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