Dec 23, 2008 09:39
Where does the hope lie for a better society?
Some people think the hope for a better world lies in the youth of today, but I say that it lies with adults and especially parents. Family is the first and most powerful of all the social structures. Children form their most basic values and beliefs from what they are taught by their parents. George Herbert Mead's theories about the formation of the self speak loudly. Mead's theory of self development starts with imitation. Children learn what they live. Parents teach even when they do not consciously attempt to pass on knowledge. For example, a parent can state to the child that one should live according to the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". The parent may not live his or her life in that manner at all. Their bad example is a lesson with much more impact than they realize. Teaching a child is more than lecture, it is being a good example. Parents should look at what is unsaid as much as what is said to a child. Parents need to take a good objective look at their own behavior. What has my child been exposed to? The objects around the child's home environment hold much meaning as well. What does this convey to my child?
The hope for a better, more loving and compassionate world lies in our children. The future of our society is our young people. Let us strive to be better examples, encourage education and equality. That is my hope.